travel 英 [ˈtrævl]   美 [ˈtrævəl]


travel  英 [ˈtrævl] 美 [ˈtrævəl]

v. 旅行; 传播  n. 旅行 

进行时:travelling  过去式:travelled  过去分词:travelled  第三人称单数:travels  名词复数:travels 

to travel around the world 周游世界
I love travelling by train. 我喜欢乘火车旅行。

  • To travel is the act of going from one place to another, usually a considerable distance. Your daily commute in the morning doesn't generally count as travel. Your trip to Timbuktu? That counts.
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  • v. 旅行; 传播
  • n. 旅行
  • 1. to travel around the world


  • 2. I love travelling by train.


  • 3. News travels fast these days.


  • 4. Some writing travels badly in translation.


  • 5. travel expenses


  • 6. the travel industry


  • 7. travel sickness


  • 8. The novel is based on his travels in India.


  • travel (n.) late 14c., "action of traveling," from travel (v.). Travels "accounts of journeys" is recorded from 1590s. Travel-agent is from 1925.
  • travel (v.) late 14c., "to journey," from travailen (1300) "to make a journey," originally "to toil, labor" (see travail). The semantic development may have been via the notion of "go on a difficult journey," but it also may reflect the difficulty of any journey in the Middle Ages. Replaced Old English faran. Related: Traveled; traveling. Traveled (adj.) "having made journeys, experienced in travel" is from early 15c. Traveling salesman is attested from 1885.
travel / ˈtrævl ; NAmE ˈtrævl / verb , noun travel travels travelled traveled travelling traveling verb ( -ll- , especially US -l- ) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance 长途行走;旅行;游历 to travel around the world 周游世界 I go to bed early if I'm travelling the next day. 如果第二天去旅行我就早睡。 I love travelling by train. 我喜欢乘火车旅行。 We always travel first class. 我们总坐头等舱旅行。 We travelled to California for the wedding. 我们到加利福尼亚州去参加婚礼。 When I finished college I went travellingfor six months (= spent time visiting different places). 我大学毕业后在外旅行了六个月。 travelsth He travelled the length of the Nile in a canoe. 他乘独木舟游完尼罗河的全程。 I travel 40 miles to work every day. 我每天奔波 40 英里去上班。 2 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) to go or move at a particular speed, in a particular direction, or a particular distance (以某速度、朝某方向或在某距离内)行进,转送,传播 to travel at 50 miles an hour 以每小时 50 英里的速度行进 Messages travel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain. 信息从神经末梢沿脊柱传送到大脑。 News travels fast these days. 如今消息传播得很快。 3 [intransitive ] (of food, wine, an object, etc. 食物、葡萄酒、物体等 ) to be still in good condition after a long journey 经长途运输仍不变质;经得住长途运输 Some wines do not travel well. 有些葡萄酒经不住长途运输。 4 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) (of a book, an idea, etc. 书籍、思想等 ) to be equally successful in another place and not just where it began 盛行各地;广为流传 Some writing travels badly in translation. 有些作品经翻译后不流传。 5 [intransitive ] to go fast 走得快;快速行进 Their car can really travel! 他们的车开得可真快! 6 [intransitive ] (in basketball 篮球 ) to move while you are holding the ball, in a way that is not allowed 持球走;(带球)走步 IDIOM travel ˈlight to take very little with you when you go on a trip 轻装上路 noun 1 [uncountable ] the act or activity of travelling 旅行;旅游;游历 air/rail/space, etc. travel 乘飞机、乘火车、乘航天器等 travel expenses 旅费 The job involves a considerable amount of foreign travel. 这个工作要经常出差去国外。 the travel industry 旅游业 travel sickness 晕车 a travel bag/clock (= for use when travelling) 旅行包╱钟 The pass allows unlimited travelon all public transport in the city. 持有乘车证可乘坐市内所有的公共交通工具,次数不限。 2 travels [plural ] time spent travelling, especially in foreign countries and for pleasure (出国)旅游,旅行 The novel is based on his travels in India. 这部长篇小说是根据他的印度之行写成的。 When are you off on your travels (= going travelling)? 你们什么时候动身外出旅行? COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Travel and tourism 旅游和旅游业 Holidays/vacations 假期 have/take( BrE) a holiday/( NAmE) a vacation/a break/a day off/( BrE) a gap year 休假;短期休假;休一天假;休空缺年假 go on/be onholiday/vacation/leave/honeymoon/safari/a trip/a tour/a cruise/a pilgrimage 去/在度假/休假/度蜜月/游猎/旅游/观光/乘船游览/朝圣 gobackpacking/camping/hitchhiking/sightseeing 去背包旅行/露营/搭顺风车旅行/观光游览 plana trip/a holiday/a vacation/your itinerary 计划旅行/假期/行程 bookaccommodation/a hotel room/a flight/tickets 预订住宿/酒店房间/航班/票 have/make/cancela reservation/( especially BrE) booking 预订;取消预订 renta villa/( both BrE) a holiday home/a holiday cottage 租一座度假别墅/一个度假住所/一座度假小别墅 ( especially BrE) hire/( especially NAmE) renta car/bicycle/moped 租借一辆汽车/自行车/机器脚踏车 stay ina hotel/a bed and breakfast/a youth hostel/a villa/( both BrE) a holiday home/a caravan 住在酒店/提供住宿和早餐的旅馆/青年旅舍/度假别墅/度假住所/旅行拖车里 cost/charge $100 a/per night fora single/double/twin/standard/( BrE) en suite room 单人房/双人房/标间/套房一晚花费/要价 100 元 check into/out ofa hotel/a motel/your room 入住/结账离开酒店/汽车旅馆/房间 pack/unpackyour suitcase/bags 把东西装进手提箱/旅行包;取出手提箱/旅行包里的东西 call/orderroom service 打电话叫/叫客房服务 cancel/cut shorta trip/holiday/vacation 取消/缩短旅程/假期 Foreign travel 出国旅行 apply for/get/renewa/your passport 申请/拿到/续签护照 take out/buy/gettravel insurance 获得/购买/取得旅游保险 catch/missyour plane/train/ferry/connecting flight 赶上/错过飞机/火车/渡船/转乘航班 fly (in)/travel inbusiness/economy class 乘坐商务/经济舱飞行/旅行 make/havea brief/two-day/twelve-hour stopover/( NAmE also) layover in Hong Kong 在香港作短暂的/两天的/十二小时的中途停留 experience/cause/lead todelays 遇上/引起/导致延误 check (in)/collect/get/lose(your) ( especially BrE) luggage/( especially NAmE) baggage 托运/取/弄丢行李 be charged for/payexcess baggage 被收取/支付超重行李费 board/get on/leave/get offthe aircraft/plane/ship/ferry 上/下飞机/船/渡船 taxi down/leave/approach/hit/overshootthe runway 在跑道上滑行;离开/接近/降落在/冲出跑道 experience/hit/encountersevere turbulence 遇到强烈的气流 suffer from/recover from/get over yourjet lag/travel sickness 遭受时差反应/晕车;从时差反应/晕车恢复过来;克服时差反应/晕车 The tourist industry 旅游业 attract/draw/bringtourists/visitors 吸引游客 encourage/promote/hurttourism 鼓励/促进/损害旅游业 promote/developecotourism 促进/发展生态旅游 build/develop/visita tourist/holiday/( especially BrE) seaside/beach/ski resort 建立/开发/参观旅游/假日/海滨/海滩/滑雪胜地 work for/be operated bya major hotel chain 就职于一家大型连锁酒店;由一家大型连锁酒店经营 be served by/compete withlow-cost/( especially NAmE) low-fare/budget airlines 由廉价航空公司提供服务;与廉价航空公司竞争 book sth through/make a booking through/usea travel agent 通过旅行社预订;利用旅行社 contact/check withyour travel agent/tour operator 联系旅行社;向旅行社咨询 book/be on/go ona package deal/holiday/tour 预订/进行/去套餐旅游 buy/bring back(tacky/overpriced) souvenirs 购买/带回(低劣的/定价过高的)纪念品 travel / ˈtrævl ; NAmE ˈtrævl /
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