toss 英 [tɒs]   美 [tɔs]


toss  英 [tɒs] 美 [tɔs]

n. 扔,抛,掷,颠簸,搅动  v. 扔,抛,掷 

进行时:tossing  过去式:tossed  过去分词:tossed  第三人称单数:tosses  名词复数:tosses 

I tossed the book aside and got up. 我把书丢在一边,站了起来。
He tossed the ball to Anna. 他把球抛给了安娜。

  • When you lightly throw something, you toss it. You might toss your lifejacket and backpack into a canoe before climbing in with the paddles.
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  • n. 扔,抛,掷,颠簸,搅动
  • v. 扔,抛,掷
  • 1. I tossed the book aside and got up.


  • 2. He tossed the ball to Anna.


  • 3. He tossed Anna the ball.


  • 4. She just tossed her head and walked off.


  • 5. Branches were tossing in the wind.


  • 6. Our boat was being tossed by the huge waves.


  • 7. Let's toss a coin.


  • 8. We tossed up to see who went first.


  • 9. He had to toss up between (= decide between)paying the rent or buying food.


  • 10. to win/lose the toss


  • 11. The final result was decided on/by the toss of a coin.


  • 12. a toss of 10 metres

    *10 米远的投掷

  • toss (n.) "an act of throwing," 1630s, from toss (v.). Meaning "a coin toss" is from 1798.
  • toss (v.) mid-15c., "to lift or throw with a sudden movement," of uncertain origin, possibly from a Scandinavian source (compare dialectal Norwegian tossa "to strew, spread"). Food preparation sense (with reference to salad, etc.) is recorded from 1723. Intransitive sense "be restless; throw oneself about" is from 1550s. Related: Tossed; tossing.
toss / tɒs ; NAmE tɔːs ; tɑːs / verb , noun toss tosses tossed tossing verb throw 1 [transitive ] to throw sth lightly or carelessly (轻轻或漫不经心地)扔,抛,掷 tosssth + adv./prep. I tossed the book aside and got up. 我把书丢在一边,站了起来。 tosssth to sb He tossed the ball to Anna. 他把球抛给了安娜。 tosssb sth He tossed Anna the ball. 他把球抛给了安娜。 synonyms at throw your head 2 [transitive ] tosssth to move your head suddenly upwards, especially to show that you are annoyed or impatient 甩(头,以表示恼怒或不耐烦) She just tossed her head and walked off. 她头一甩,走开了。 side to side/up and down 左右;上下 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move or make sb/sth move from side to side or up and down (使)摇摆,挥动,颠簸 Branches were tossing in the wind. 树枝随风摇曳。 I couldn't sleep but kept tossing and turningin bed all night. 我彻夜在床上辗转反侧不能成眠。 tosssb/sth Our boat was being tossed by the huge waves. 我们的船随着巨浪颠簸。 in cooking 烹调 4 [transitive ] tosssth to shake or turn food in order to cover it with oil, butter, etc. 摇匀;翻动(以沾油、奶酪等) Drain the pasta and toss it in melted butter. 把面条的汤控干,在溶化了的黄油里搅拌。 5 [transitive ] ~ a pancake ( BrE) to throw a pancakeupwards so that it turns over in the air and you can fry the other side 把(煎饼)颠起翻面 coin 硬币 6 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to throw a coin in the air in order to decide sth, especially by guessing which side is facing upwards when it lands (为…)掷硬币决定;掷币猜边儿 SYN flip tosssth Let's toss a coin. 咱们掷硬币猜边儿决定吧。 ( especially BrE) toss(sb) for sth There's only one ticket left—I'll toss you for it. 只剩一张票,我来与你掷币决定给谁。 ( BrE) tossup (for sth) We tossed up to see who went first. 我们掷硬币决定谁先去。 ( BrE) tossup between A and B ( figurative) He had to toss up between (= decide between)paying the rent or buying food. 他不得不在付房租和买食品之间作出决定。 related noun toss-up PHRASAL VERBS ˌtoss ˈoff | ˌtoss sb/yourself ˈoff ( BrE) ( taboo, slang) to give yourself sexual pleasure by rubbing your sex organs; to give sb sexual pleasure by rubbing their sex organs 手淫;对某人行手淫 SYN masturbate ˌtoss sth↔ˈoff ( BrE) to produce sth quickly and without much thought or effort 未经思索(或费力)很快做好 noun [usually singular ] of coin 硬币 1 an act of throwing a coin in the air in order to decide sth 掷硬币决定 The final result was decided on/by the toss of a coin. 最后的结果是掷硬币决定的。 to win/lose the toss (= to guess correctly/wrongly which side of a coin will face upwards when it lands on the ground after it has been thrown in the air) 猜中╱猜错所掷硬币朝上的一面 of head 2 ~ of your head an act of moving your head suddenly upwards, especially to show that you are annoyed or impatient 向上甩头,猛仰头(尤指表示恼怒或不耐烦) She dismissed the question with a toss of her head. 她一扬头,对这一问题不予理睬。 throw 3 an act of throwing sth, especially in a competition or game (尤指比赛或游戏中)投掷 a toss of 10 metres *10 米远的投掷 IDIOM not give a ˈtoss (about sb/sth) ( BrE) ( slang) to not care at all about sb/sth 毫不介意;满不在乎 more at argue toss / tɒs ; NAmE tɔːs ; tɑːs /
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