knit 英 [nɪt]   美 [nɪt]


knit  英 [nɪt] 美 [nɪt]

vi. 编织;结合;皱眉  vt. 编织;结合  n. 编织衣物;编织法 

进行时:knitting  过去式:knit  过去分词:knitted  第三人称单数:knits  名词复数:knits 

Best of all, you can even knit yourself into the wedding party. 最好的就是你甚至可以把自己也编织进这个婚宴中去。
We and the world are knit together by Einstein's thinking in ways that astonish me. 通过爱因思维的思维,我们和世界是编织在一起的,这让我大吃一惊。

  • If you decide to knit a sweater, you will need yarn, knitting needles, an instruction manual, and lots of patience! Knitting involves different kinds of stitches or consecutive loops that you create in rows.
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  • vi. 编织;结合;皱眉
  • vt. 编织;结合
  • n. 编织衣物;编织法
  • 1. Best of all, you can even knit yourself into the wedding party.


  • 2. We and the world are knit together by Einstein's thinking in ways that astonish me.


  • 3. If your body is game enough to knit itself back together after a hard physical lesson, to make scar tissue, that means you’re still alive, means you’re on the path toward healing.


  • knit (v.) Old English cnyttan "to tie with a knot, bind together, fasten by tying," related to Old Norse knytja "bind together, form into a knot," Middle Low German knütten "to tie, knot," Old English cnotta "a knot," from Proto-Germanic *knuttjan, from stem *knutt-. Of brows, late 14c. Intransitive meaning "do knitting, weave by looping or knotting a continuous thread" (especially in reference to plain stitch) is from 1520s. Intransitive meaning "become compact or consolidated" is from c. 1600. Related: Knitted; knitting. For pronunciation, see kn-.
knit / nɪt ; NAmE nɪt / verb , noun knit knits knitted knitting verb ( knit·ted , knit·ted ) HELP  In senses 3 and 4 knitis usually used for the past tense and past participle. 作第 3 及第 4 义时,过去时和过去分词常用 knit。 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to make clothes, etc. from wool or cotton thread using two long thin knitting needles or a machine 编织;针织;机织 knit(sth) I knitted this cardigan myself. 我自己织的这件开襟毛衣。 Lucy was sitting on the sofa, knitting. 露西坐在沙发上织毛线活儿。 knitsb sth She's knitting the baby a shawl. 她在给宝宝织一床小被子。 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] knit(sth) to use a basic stitchin knitting 织平针 Knit one row, purl one row. 织一趟平针,织一趟反针。 3 [transitive ,  intransitive ] knit(sb/sth) (together) to join people or things closely together or to be joined closely together (使)紧密结合,严密,紧凑 a closely/tightly knit community (= one in which relationships are very close) 紧密团结的群体 Society is knit together by certain commonly held beliefs. 社会是靠某些共同的信念来维系的。 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] knit(sth) (of broken bones 断骨 ) to grow together again to form one piece; to make broken bones grow together again (使)愈合,接合 SYN mend The bone failed to knit correctly. 骨头愈合得不好。 IDIOM knit your ˈbrow(s) to move your eyebrowstogether, to show that you are thinking hard, feeling angry, etc. 皱眉(表示沉思、恼怒等) SYN frown noun [usually plural ] a piece of clothing that has been knitted 编织的衣服;针织衫 winter knits 编织的冬衣 knit / nɪt ; NAmE nɪt /
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