sway 英 [sweɪ]   美 [swe]


sway  英 [sweɪ] 美 [swe]

v. 摇摆,动摇  n. 影响;统治 

进行时:swaying  过去式:swayed  过去分词:swayed  第三人称单数:sways  名词复数:sways 

Vicky swayed and fell. 维基摇晃着倒下了。
The branches were swaying in the wind. 树枝在风中摇曳。

  • Back and forth...back and forth...back and forth...are you sea-sick yet? The sway, or rocking motion, of a boat is too much for many stomachs.
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  • v. 摇摆,动摇
  • n. 影响;统治
  • 1. Vicky swayed and fell.


  • 2. The branches were swaying in the wind.


  • 3. He's easily swayed.


  • sway (n.) c. 1300, "movement from side to side," from sway (v.). The meaning "controlling influence" (as in to be under the sway of) is from 1510s, from a transitive sense of the verb in Dutch and other languages.
  • sway (v.) early 14c., "move, go, go quickly; move (something) along, carry," probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse sveigja "to bend, swing, give way," Old Danish svegja, perhaps merged with an unrecorded Old English cognate. The whole group might be related to swag (v.) and swing (v.).
sway / sweɪ ; NAmE sweɪ / verb , noun sway sways swayed swaying verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move slowly from side to side; to move sth in this way (使)摇摆,摇动 (+ adv./prep.) The branches were swaying in the wind. 树枝在风中摇曳。 Vicky swayed and fell. 维基摇晃着倒下了。 swaysth (+ adv./prep.) They danced rhythmically, swaying their hips to the music. 他们伴着音乐扭动屁股,有节奏地跳舞。 2 [transitive ,  often passive ] swaysb to persuade sb to believe sth or do sth 说服;使相信;使动摇 SYN influence He's easily swayed. 他很容易动摇。 She wasn't swayed by his good looks or his clever talk. 他相貌不凡,谈吐风趣,但她不为其所动。 noun [uncountable ] 1 a movement from side to side 摇摆;摆动 2 ( literary) power or influence over sb 统治;势力;支配;控制;影响 Rebel forces hold swayover much of the island. 该岛很大一部份控制在叛军手里。 He was quick to exploit those who fell under his sway. 他毫不犹豫地利用受他控制的那些人。 sway / sweɪ ; NAmE sweɪ /
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