superhighway 英 ['suːpəhaɪweɪ;'sjuː-]   美 [,supɚ'haɪwe]


superhighway  英 ['suːpəhaɪweɪ;'sjuː-] 美 [,supɚ'haɪwe]

n. (美)超级高速公路(等于expressway) 


They buzzed along the superhighway. 他们沿着高速公路疾驶。
As part of this commitment to infrastructure, we need to upgrade our digital superhighway as well. 作为基础设施建设承诺的一部分,我们还需要对数字高速公路进行升级。

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  • n. (美)超级高速公路(等于expressway)
  • 1. They buzzed along the superhighway.


  • 2. As part of this commitment to infrastructure, we need to upgrade our digital superhighway as well.


  • 3. Most companies are better at giving employees access to the information superhighway than at teaching them how to drive.


super·high·way / ˌsuːpəˈhaɪweɪ ; ˌsjuːpəˈhaɪweɪ ; NAmE ˌsuːpərˈhaɪweɪ / noun 1 ( NAmE) ( old-fashioned) = interstate n. 2 = information superhighway superhighway superhighways super·high·way / ˌsuːpəˈhaɪweɪ ; ˌsjuːpəˈhaɪweɪ ; NAmE ˌsuːpərˈhaɪweɪ /
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