romantically [rə'mæntɪkli]  


romantically  [rə'mæntɪkli]

adv. 浪漫地;不切实际地 

Looked at romantically, though, it could be evidence of "love at first sight". 虽然从浪漫的角度看,这或许是“一见钟情”的证据。
A man who looks like that should not, in theory, be able to pull off the role of a romantically wounded pussycat. 理论上一个看上去白马王子般的男人不应该扮演这么一个浪漫却很受伤的老好人。

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  • adv. 浪漫地;不切实际地
  • 1. Looked at romantically, though, it could be evidence of "love at first sight".


  • 2. A man who looks like that should not, in theory, be able to pull off the role of a romantically wounded pussycat.


  • 3. For example, in the case at hand, the man must decide, in the absence of complete information, whether the woman is romantically interested in him or not.

    例如,在本案中一共有四种可能, 见图。 在信息不完全的情况下,无论女人对他是否有浪漫的兴趣,该男子必须做决定。

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