sucking ['sʌkiŋ]  


sucking  ['sʌkiŋ]

adj. 吸奶的;授乳的;尚未断奶的;乳臭未干的  v. 吸入(suck的ing形式) 


Now slowly pull your mouth upwards, sucking ever so gently as you pull up. 现在慢慢向上拉起你的嘴,同时如你拔嘴般温柔地不断吮吸。
“One day, the banks are sucking up to you, the next they hate your guts, ” he says with a Gallic shrug. “前一天,银行还在吸引你加入,第二天就对你恨之入骨,”他一边说一边优雅地耸了耸肩。

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  • adj. 吸奶的;授乳的;尚未断奶的;乳臭未干的
  • v. 吸入(suck的ing形式)
  • 1. Now slowly pull your mouth upwards, sucking ever so gently as you pull up.


  • 2. “One day, the banks are sucking up to you, the next they hate your guts, ” he says with a Gallic shrug.


  • 3. In nature, irrespective of ages, genders, and colors, we are all truly open to her, breathing her fresh air, sucking her honeydew, hugging yourselves with her.


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