bootlegger ['bu:t,legə]  


bootlegger  ['bu:t,legə]

n. 造私酒者;走私者 


She was a bootlegger in a little county up in the state of Washington. 那会儿,她在华盛顿州的一个小郊县倒腾私酒。
The East Indian Gotheborg despite its claim of never trafficking opium to China, was actually the initiatory bootlegger. “哥德堡”号商船的主人瑞典东印度公司,虽然号称从未向中国贩运过鸦片,但其实是中国贩运鸦片的始作俑者。

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  • n. 造私酒者;走私者
  • 1. She was a bootlegger in a little county up in the state of Washington.


  • 2. The East Indian Gotheborg despite its claim of never trafficking opium to China, was actually the initiatory bootlegger.


  • 3. "I'll still love you whichever choice you make, " his father, the bootlegger, wrote.


  • bootlegger (n.) also boot-legger, 1889, from bootleg (q.v.). The word enjoyed great popularity in the U.S. during Prohibition (1920-1933), and the abstracted element -legger was briefly active in word-formation, e.g. meatlegger during World War II rationing, booklegger for those who imported banned titles such as "Ulysses."
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