strenuously ['strɛnjʊəsli]  


strenuously  ['strɛnjʊəsli]

adv. 勤奋地;费力地 

Aye, no doubt; but that is what a governess will prevent, and if I had known your mother, I should have advised her most strenuously to engage one. 那是毫无疑问的;不过,女家庭教师的任务也就是为了防止这种事情;要是我认识你们的母亲,我一定要竭力劝她请一位。
Disney was flooded with complaints once word of the similarity spread and strenuously denied rumors that the suggestive edifice was a work of sabotage by a disgruntled artist. 谣言传开后,投诉如潮水般涌向迪斯尼,迪斯尼极力否认带有性暗示的建筑是一位心怀不满的艺术家蓄意破坏。

  • When you do something strenuously, you work really hard at it. After working strenuously on your neighbor's farm all day, you'll be exhausted and ready for a break.
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  • adv. 勤奋地;费力地
  • 1. Aye, no doubt; but that is what a governess will prevent, and if I had known your mother, I should have advised her most strenuously to engage one.


  • 2. Disney was flooded with complaints once word of the similarity spread and strenuously denied rumors that the suggestive edifice was a work of sabotage by a disgruntled artist.


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