nonchalantly   美 ['nɑnʃələntli]


nonchalantly  美 ['nɑnʃələntli]

adv. 冷淡地,漠不关心地 

"That night when we just nonchalantly stuck our tube out the window, we were getting readings of 500 parts per trillion in Boulder, " Thornton recalled. 桑顿回忆说:“那天晚上,当我们只是漫不经心地将试管伸到车窗外,我们在博尔德市得到的读数是万亿分之五百。”
I freaked out, flushed my cigarette down the toilet, gathered my composure, and nonchalantly walked out. 我吓坏了,赶紧把烟扔到马桶里冲走,强装镇定,若无其事的走出去。

  • Use the adverb nonchalantly to describe an action done in a really relaxed, casual, unconcerned way. From now on if someone asks you to define the word nonchalantly, you can do it . . . nonchalantly. It’s no big deal!
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  • adv. 冷淡地,漠不关心地
  • 1. "That night when we just nonchalantly stuck our tube out the window, we were getting readings of 500 parts per trillion in Boulder, " Thornton recalled.


  • 2. I freaked out, flushed my cigarette down the toilet, gathered my composure, and nonchalantly walked out.


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