still 英 [stɪl]   美 [stɪl]


still  英 [stɪl] 美 [stɪl]

adv. 仍然;更;静止地  adj. 静止的,  conj. 仍然; 

进行时:stilling  过去式:stilled  过去分词:stilled  第三人称单数:stills  名词复数:stills 

Mum, I'm still hungry! 妈,我还饿!
Do you still live at the same address? 你还住在原地址吗?

  • If something is quiet and calm, it's still. After the noise of the city, it's peaceful to go camping in the woods where everything is still.
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  • adv. 仍然;更;静止地
  • adj. 静止的,
  • conj. 仍然;
  • v. 使…静止;使…平静下来
  • 1. Mum, I'm still hungry!


  • 2. Do you still live at the same address?


  • 3. The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time.


  • 4. The next day was warmer still.


  • 5. There was still more bad news to come.


  • 6. still water


  • 7. Keep still while I brush your hair.


  • 8. The kids found it hard to stay still.


  • 9. a still summer's day


  • 10. The wind stilled.


  • still (adj.) Old English stille "motionless, stable, fixed, stationary," from Proto-Germanic *stilli- (source also of Old Frisian, Middle Low German, Middle Dutch stille, Dutch stil, Old High German stilli, German still), from PIE root *stel- "to put, stand," with derivatives referring to a standing object or place (see stall (n.1)). Meaning "quiet, calm, gentle, silent" emerged in later Old English. Euphemistic for "dead" in stillborn, etc. Still small voice is from KJV:
  • still (adv.) "even now, even then, yet" (as in still standing there), 1530s, from still (adj.) in the sense "without change or cessation, continual" (c. 1300); the sense of "even, yet" (as in still more) is from 1730.
  • still (n.1) "distilling apparatus," 1530s, from Middle English stillen "to distill" (c. 1300), a variant of distillen (see distill).
  • still (n.2) c. 1200, "a calm," from still (adj.). Sense of "quietness, the silent part" is from c. 1600 (in still of the night). Meaning "a photograph" (as distinguished from a motion picture) is attested from 1916.
  • still (v.) Old English stillan "to be still, have rest; to quiet, calm, appease; to stop, restrain," from stille "at rest" (see still (adj.)). Cognate with Old Saxon stillian, Old Norse stilla, Dutch, Old High German, German stillen. Related: Stilled; stilling.
still / stɪl ; NAmE stɪl / adverb , adjective , noun , verb still stills stilled stilling stiller stillest adverb 1 continuing until a particular point in time and not finishing 还;还是;仍然;依旧 I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply. 我上个月给他们写了信,到现在还在等回音。 Mum, I'm still hungry! 妈,我还饿! Do you still live at the same address? 你还住在原地址吗? There's still time to change your mind. 你还有时间改变主意。 It was, and still is, my favourite movie. 那部影片以前是我最喜欢的,现在仍然是。 2 despite what has just been said (虽然…)还是;但;不过 We searched everywhere but we still couldn't find it. 我们四处找,但还是没找到。 The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time. 天气又冷又潮,不过我们仍旧玩得很开心。 3 used for making a comparison stronger (加强比较级)还要,更 The next day was warmer still. 第二天更暖和了。 If you can manage to get two tickets that's better still. 要是你能设法弄到两张票,那就更好了。 4 stillmore/another even more 还有(更多) There was still more bad news to come. 随后还传来了其他的坏消息。 IDIOMsee less adv. adjective 1 not moving; calm and quiet 静止的;平静的;安静的;寂静的 still water 平静的水面 Keep stillwhile I brush your hair. 我给你梳头时你不要动。 The kids found it hard to stay still. 孩子们觉得待着不动很难做到。 Can't you sit still? 你就不能老老实实坐一会儿吗? We stayed in a village where time has stood still (= life has not changed for many years). 我们待在一个时间似乎凝滞了的村子里。 2 with no wind 无风的 a still summer's day 无风的夏日 the still night air 夜间宁静的空气 3 ( BrE) (of a drink 饮料 ) not containing bubbles of gas; not fizzy 不含碳酸气的;不起泡的 still mineral water 无汽矿泉水 IDIOMS the still of the ˈnight ( literary) the time during the night when it is quiet and calm 万籁俱寂的夜晚;夜阑人静 a/the still small ˈvoice ( literary) the voice of God or your conscience,that tells you to do what is morally right (来自上主)轻微细弱的声音;良心的呼唤 still waters run ˈdeep ( saying) a person who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feelings 静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑 noun 1 a photograph of a scene from a film/movie or video (电影或录像的)定格画面;剧照 a publicity still from his new movie 他的新电影的广告剧照 2 a piece of equipment that is used for making strong alcoholic drinks (制酒的)蒸馏器 a whisky still 威士忌蒸馏器 see also distil  (2 ) verb [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( literary) to become calm and quiet; to make sth calm and quiet (使)静止,平静,安静 The wind stilled. 风停了。 stillsb/sth She spoke quietly to still the frightened child. 她轻声安慰受到惊吓的孩子。 ( figurative) to still sb's doubts/fears 消除某人的疑虑╱恐惧 still / stɪl ; NAmE stɪl /
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