stay 英 [steɪ]   美 [ste]


stay  英 [steɪ] 美 [ste]

v. 停留;暂住;  n. 逗留;停留; 

进行时:staying  过去式:stayed  过去分词:stayed  第三人称单数:stays  名词复数:stays 

They have to stay home because of the rain. 因为下雨,他们不得不待在家里
to stay in bed 待在床上

  • To stay is to remain or wait in the same place. When you tell your dog to stay, you expect her to keep sitting until you call her over.
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  • v. 停留;暂住;
  • n. 逗留;停留;
  • 1. They have to stay home because of the rain.


  • 2. to stay in bed


  • 3. Stay there and don't move!


  • 4. We ended up staying for lunch.


  • 5. She stayed at home while the children were young.


  • 6. He never stays angry for long.


  • 7. The store stays open until late on Thursdays.


  • 8. We promised to stay friends for ever.


  • 9. My sister's coming to stay next week.


  • 10. He's staying with friends this weekend.


  • 11. an overnight stay


  • stay (n.1) "support, prop, brace," 1510s, from Middle French estaie "piece of wood used as a support," Old French estaie "prop, support," perhaps from Frankish *staka "support" or some other Germanic word, from Proto-Germanic *stagaz (source also of Middle Dutch stake "stick," Old English steli "steel," stæg "rope used to support a mast"), from PIE *stak- "to stand, place" (see stay (n.2)). In some uses from stay (v.2).
  • stay (n.2) "strong rope which supports a ship's mast," from Old English stæg "rope used to support a mast," from Proto-Germanic *stagaz (source also of Dutch stag, Low German stach, German Stag, Old Norse stag "stay of a ship"), from PIE *stak- "to stand, place," perhaps ultimately an extended form of root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm."
  • stay (n.3) 1520s, "delay, postponement, period of remaining in a place," from stay (v.1). Meaning "action of stoppage, appliance for stopping" is 1530s; that of "suspension of judicial proceedings" is from 1540s.
  • stay (v.1) mid-15c., "cease going forward, come to a halt," also (transitive) "detain, hold back," from Old French estai-, stem of estare "to stay or stand," from Latin stare "to stand, stand still, remain standing; be upright, be erect; stand firm, stand in battle; abide; be unmovable; be motionless; remain, tarry, linger; take a side," (source also of Italian stare, Spanish estar "to stand, to be"), from PIE root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm." Sense of "remain" is first recorded 1570s; that of "reside as a guest for a short period" is from 1550s. Related: Stayed; staying.
  • stay (v.2) "support, sustain," early 15c., from Middle French estayer (Modern French étayer), originally in nautical use, "secure by stays," from estaie (see stay (n.1)). The nautical sense in English is from 1620s. Related: Stayed; staying.
stay / steɪ ; NAmE steɪ / verb , noun stay stays stayed staying verb 1 [intransitive ] to continue to be in a particular place for a period of time without moving away 停留;待 to stay in bed 待在床上 ‘Do you want a drink?’ ‘No, thanks, I can't stay.’ “你要不要喝一杯?”“不,谢谢,我不能久待。” Stay there and don't move! 待在那儿别动! We ended up staying for lunch. 我们最终还是留了下来吃午饭。 She stayed at home (= did not go out to work)while the children were young. 孩子们小的时候,她没出去上班。 I'm staying lateat the office tonight. 今晚我要在办公室待到很晚。 My hat won't stay on! 我的帽子怎么都戴不住! Can you stay behindafter the others have gone and help me clear up? 你能不能等别人走后留下来帮我收拾收拾? We stayed to see what would happen. 我们留下来看会发生什么事。 staydoing sth They stayed talking until well into the night. 他们待在那儿一直谈到深夜。 HELP  In spoken English staycan be used with andplus another verb, instead of with toand the infinitive, to show purpose or to tell somebody what to do. 英语口语中,stay 后面可接 and 加另一个动词,而不用 to 加不定式,以表示目的或要某人做某事 I'll stay and help you. 我留下来帮你吧。 Can you stay and keep an eye on the baby? 你可以留下来照看婴儿吗? 2 [intransitive ] to continue to be in a particular state or situation 保持;继续是 SYN remain + adj. He never stays angry for long. 他生气时间从来不会长。 I can't stay awake any longer. 我困得再也熬不住了。 The store stays open until late on Thursdays. 这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。 + adv./prep. I don't know why they stay together (= remain married or in a relationship). 我不知道他们为什么还在一起。 Inflation stayed below 4% last month. 上月的通货膨胀率保持在 4% 以下。 + noun We promised to stay friends for ever. 我们约定永远做朋友。 3 [intransitive ] to live in a place temporarily as a guest or visitor 暂住;逗留 We found out we were staying in the same hotel. 我们发现大家住在同一家旅馆里。 My sister's coming to stay next week. 下星期我妹妹要来住几天。 He's staying with friends this weekend. 这个周末他要和几个朋友一起过。 I stayed three nights at my cousin's house. 我在我表兄家住了三夜。 HELP  In Indian, Scottish and South African English staycan mean ‘to live in a place permanently’. 在印度、苏格兰和南非英语中,stay 可以指定居 Where do you stay (= where do you live)? IDIOMS be here to ˈstay | have come to ˈstay to be accepted or used by most people and therefore a permanent part of our lives 为多数人所接受;得到普遍认可 It looks like televised trials are here to stay. 看来电视直播审判成了一种风气。 stay! used to tell a dog not to move (命令狗只)别动 stay the ˈcourse to continue doing sth until it has finished or been completed, even though it is difficult 坚持到底 Very few of the trainees have stayed the course. 极少受训者坚持到底。 stay your ˈhand ( old-fashioned or literary) to stop yourself from doing sth; to prevent you from doing sth 住手;不做(某事) stay the ˈnight ( especially BrE) to sleep at sb's house for one night (在某人家)过夜 You can always stay the night at our house. 你什么时候来都可以在我们家过夜。 stay ˈput ( informal) if sb/sth stays put,they continue to be in the place where they are or where they have been put 待在原地;留在原处 more at clear adv. , loose adj. PHRASAL VERBS ˌstay aˈround ( informal) to not leave somewhere 待着不走;不离开 I'll stay around in case you need me. 我就待在这儿,也许你用得着我。 ˌstay aˈway (from sb/sth) to not go near a particular person or place 离开,不接近(某人);不去(某处) I want you to stay away from my daughter. 我要你离我女儿远远的。 ˌstay ˈin to not go out or to remain indoors 不外出;待在室内 I feel like staying in tonight. 今晚我想待在家里。 ˌstay ˈon to continue studying, working, etc. somewhere for longer than expected or after other people have left 留下来继续(学习、工作等) ˌstay ˈout 1 to continue to be outdoors or away from your house at night 待在户外;不在家;(晚上)不回家 2 (of workers 工人 ) to continue to be on strike 继续罢工 ˌstay ˈout of sth 1 to not become involved in sth that does not concern you 不介入;不干预 2 to avoid sth 避开;远离 to stay out of trouble 避免惹麻烦 ˌstay ˈover to sleep at sb's house for one night (在某人家)过夜 ˌstay ˈup to go to bed later than usual 深夜不睡;熬夜 You've got school tomorrow. I don't want you staying up late. 你明天要上学,我不想你熬夜。 noun 1 a period of staying; a visit 停留;逗留(时间);做客 I enjoyed my stay in Prague. 我在布拉格逗留期间过得很开心。 an overnight stay 留下过夜 2 a rope or wire that supports a ship's mast,a pole, etc. (船桅的)支索;(杆子等的)牵索,撑条 see also mainstay IDIOM a ˌstay of exeˈcution ( law ) a delay in following the order of a court 缓期执行 to grant a stay of execution 准予缓期执行 stay / steɪ ; NAmE steɪ /
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