- The beginning of something is the start. The start of the movie may have been a little slow, but by the end you were on the edge of your seat.
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- v. 开始;启动
- n. 开始;起点
1. start to run
2. She started laughing.
3. Start the engines!
4. It started to rain.
5. We must start at once.
6. I start work at nine.
7. When does the class start?
8. What time are we starting tomorrow?
9. a perfect start to the day
10. It's a long story. Where shall I start?
- start (n.) late 14c., "an involuntary movement of the body, a sudden jump," from start (v.). Meaning "act of beginning to move or act" is from 1560s. Meaning "act of beginning to build a house" is from 1946. That of "opportunity at the beginning of a career or course of action" is from 1849. Paired with finish (n.) from at least 1839. False start first attested 1850.
- start (v.) Old English *steortian, *stiertan, Kentish variants of styrtan "to leap up" (attested only in Northumbrian past participle sturtende), from Proto-Germanic *stert- (source also of Old Frisian stirta "to fall, tumble," Middle Dutch sterten, Dutch storten "to rush, fall," Old High German sturzen, German stürzen "to hurl, throw, plunge"). According to Watkins, the notion is "move briskly, move swiftly," and the Proto-Germanic word is from PIE root *ster- (1) "stiff."
start ★ / stɑːt ; NAmE stɑːrt / verb , noun start starts started starting verb ★ doing sth 做事 1 ★ [transitive , intransitive ] to begin doing or using sth 开始,着手,动手(做或使用) startsth ◆ I start work at nine. 我每天九点开始工作。 ◆ He's just started a new job. 他刚刚着手一项新工作。 ◆ I only started (= began to read)this book yesterday. 我昨天才开始看这本书。 ◆ We need to start (= begin using)a new jar of coffee. 我们得新开一罐咖啡了。 ◆ The kids start school next week. 孩子们下星期开学。 startto do sth ◆ It started to rain. 下起雨来了。 ◆ Mistakes were starting to creep in. 不知不觉间,开始出错了。 startdoing sth ◆ She started laughing. 她笑了起来。 start(on sth) ◆ It's a long story. Where shall I start? 说来话长。我该从哪儿说起呢? ◆ It's time you started on your homework. 你该做功课了。 ◆ Can you start (= a new job)on Monday? 你可以星期一就来上班吗? startby doing sth ◆ Let's start by reviewing what we did last week. 我们开始先来复习一下上星期学的内容。 + adj. ◆ The best professional musicians start young. 卓有成就的音乐家很早就接触音乐。 ☞note at begin happening 发生 2 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to start happening; to make sth start happening (使)发生,开始进行 ◆ When does the class start? 什么时候上课? ◆ Have you any idea where the rumour started? 你知不知道谣言是从哪儿传出来的? startsth ◆ Who started the fire? 谁放的火? ◆ Do you start the day with a good breakfast? 你早晨起来会先好好吃一顿早饭吗? ◆ You're always trying to start an argument. 你总是想挑起争论。 startsb/sth doing sth ◆ The news started me thinking. 那条消息让我思考起来。 machine/vehicle 机器;车辆 3 ★ [transitive , intransitive ] start(sth) when you starta machine or a vehicle or it starts,it begins to operate 开动;发动;启动 ◆ Start the engines! 发动引擎! ◆ I can't get the car started. 这辆车我发动不起来。 ◆ The car won't start. 这辆车发动不起来。 existing 存在 4 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to begin to exist; to make sth begin to exist (使)出现;发起;创办;开办 start(up) ◆ There are a lot of small businesses starting up in that area. 小型企业在那一地区大量涌现。 startsth (up) ◆ They decided to start a catering business. 他们决定开办一家宴会承办公司。 journey 旅行 5 ★ [intransitive ] start(out) to begin a journey; to leave 出发;动身;起程 SYN set off , set out ◆ What time are we starting tomorrow? 我们明天什么时候出发? going/walking 走 6 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to begin to move in a particular direction 起身走向;向…而去 ◆ I started after her (= began to follow her)to tell her the news. 我起身朝她追去,好把消息告诉她。 ◆ He started for the door, but I blocked his way. 他向门口走去,但我挡住了他的去路。 in particular way/from place/level 方式;地方;层次 7 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to begin, or to begin sth such as a career, in a particular way that changed later 以…起步(或起家);起初是 startas sth ◆ She started as a secretary but ended up running the department. 她起初只是一个秘书,但最后掌管起了整个部门。 startout/off (as sth) ◆ The company started out with 30 employees. 公司创业之初只有 30 名员工。 startsth (as sth) ◆ He started lifeas a teacher before turning to journalism. 他刚工作时当过教师,后来改行搞起了新闻。 8 ★ [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to begin from a particular place, amount or situation (从…)开始;(由…)起 ◆ The trail starts just outside the town. 小径从刚出城的地方开始。 ◆ Hotel prices start at €50 a night for a double room. 旅馆的双人房间一宿 50 欧元起价。 ◆ The evening started badly when the speaker failed to turn up. 那天晚上的活动一开始挺糟糕,因为演讲者没有来。 move suddenly 突然一动 9 [intransitive ] to move suddenly and quickly because you are surprised or afraid 突然一惊 SYN jump ◆ The sudden noise made her start. 突如其来的声音吓了她一跳。 IDIOMS ˌdon't (you) ˈstart ( informal) used to tell sb not to complain or be critical (制止某人抱怨或挑剔)别抱怨,别挑剔 ◆ Don't start! I told you I'd be late. 别抱怨啦!我跟你说过我要迟到的。 get ˈstarted to begin doing sth (使)开始;着手;动手 ◆ It's nearly ten o'clock. Let's get started. 快十点了,咱们开始吧。 you, he, she, etc. ˈstarted it ( informal) you, he, she, etc. began a fight or an argument 是你(或他、她等)挑起来的 ◆ ‘Stop fighting, you two!’ ‘He started it!’ “你们俩,别打了!”“是他先动手的!” ˈstart something ( informal) to cause trouble 制造麻烦;惹是生非 to ˈstart with 1 used when you are giving the first and most important reason for sth (给出首要理由)首先,第一 ◆ To start with it's much too expensive… 首先是太贵… 2 at the beginning 起初;开始时 ◆ The club had only six members to start with. 这家俱乐部起初仅有六名会员。 ◆ I'll have melon to start with. 我要先吃甜瓜。 ◆ She wasn't keen on the idea to start with. 她一开始并不喜欢这个主意。 ☞more at alarm n. , ball n. , foot n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌstart ˈback to begin to return somewhere 动身(或起程)返回 ˌstart ˈoff 1 to begin to move 开始活动;动身 ◆ The horse started off at a steady trot. 马稳步小跑起来。 2 ★ to begin happening; to begin doing sth 进行(或开展)起来 ◆ The discussion started off mildly enough. 讨论颇为温和地开展起来。 3 ★ to begin by doing or being sth 首先进行;一开始是 ◆ Let's start off with some gentle exercises. 我们先来做点强度低的运动。 ◆ We started off by introducing ourselves. 我们一开始先自我介绍。 + adj. ◆ The leaves start off green but turn red later. 树叶起先是绿色,到后来会变红。 startdoing sth ◆ I started off working quite hard, but it didn't last. 我一开始非常勤奋,但没有坚持下去。 ˌstart sb ˈoff (on sth) 1 [no passive ] to make sb begin doing sth 使开始(做某事) ◆ What started her off on that crazy idea? 她怎么会有那样古怪的念头呢? ◆ Don't say anything to her—you'll start her off again (= make her get angry). 什么也别跟她说,不然你又要惹她生气了。 startdoing sth ◆ Kevin started us all off laughing. 凯文把我们大家都逗笑了。 2 to help sb begin doing sth 帮助某人开始(某事) ◆ My mother started me off on the piano when I was three. 三岁时我母亲就让我开始练钢琴了。 startdoing sth ◆ His father started him off farming. 他父亲指点他做农活儿。 ˈstart on sb [no passive ] to attack sb physically or with words (使用暴力或言语)向某人发起攻击 ˌstart ˈon at sb (about sth) | ˌstart ˈon (at sb) about sth ( informal) to begin to complain about sth or criticize sb 开始责备(某人);开始抱怨(某事) ◆ She started on at me again about getting some new clothes. 她又数落起我来,缠着要买几件新衣服。 ◆ Don't start on about him not having a job. 你不要埋怨他没工作。 ˌstart ˈout 1 ★ to begin to do sth, especially in business or work 开始从事,着手(某工作);从业 ◆ to start out in business 做起生意来 ◆ She started out on her legal career in 2001. 她于 2001 年开始从事法律工作。 2 to have a particular intention when you begin sth 最初想要;起先打算 startto do sth ◆ I started out to write a short story, but it soon developed into a novel. 我起先打算写一篇短篇小说,但很快就写成了长篇小说。 ˌstart ˈover ( especially NAmE) to begin again 重新开始 ◆ She wasn't happy with our work and made us start over. 她对我们干的活儿不满意,要我们返工。 ★ ˌstart ˈup | ˌstart sth↔ˈup to begin working, happening, etc; to make sth do this (使)启动,发动,开始 ◆ I heard his car start up. 我听见他的汽车发动了。 ◆ Start up the engines! 发动引擎! ☞see also start-up noun ★ beginning 开始 1 ★ [countable , usually singular ] the point at which sth begins 开头;开端 ◆ a perfect start to the day 那一天的美好开端 ◆ Things didn't look too hopeful at the start of the year. 在年初,情况显得并不十分乐观。 ◆ The meeting got off to a good/bad start (= started well/badly). 会议有一个良好的╱糟糕的开端。 ◆ The trip was a disaster from start to finish. 那次旅行从头到尾糟糕透顶。 ◆ We've had problems (right) from the start. 我们从(一)开始就遇到了困难。 ◆ ( informal) This could be the start of something big. 这或许是要有大事的苗头。 2 ★ [singular ] the act or process of beginning sth 开始 ◆ I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start onthe walls. 你要是动手刷墙,我就刷天花板吧。 ◆ I want to make an early start in the morning. 我想早上早点出发。 ◆ She's moving abroad to make a fresh start (= to begin a new life). 她要移居国外,开始新的生活。 ☞see also false start , kick-start opportunity 机会 3 ★ [countable , usually singular ] the opportunity that you are given to begin sth in a successful way 起始优势;良好的基础条件 ◆ They worked hard to give their children a good start in life. 他们力争为孩子们奠定一个良好的基础。 ◆ The job gave him his start in journalism. 那份工作是他加入新闻界的开始。 in race 比赛 4 the start [singular ] the place where a race begins 起点 ◆ The runners lined up at the start. 赛跑运动员在起跑线上一字排开。 5 [countable , usually singular ] an amount of time or distance that sb has as an advantage over other people at the beginning of a race 起跑的提前量(时间或距离) ◆ She went into the second round with a five-minute start on the rest of the cyclists. 她进入了第二轮比赛,并取得比其他自行车选手提前五分钟出发的优势。 ◆ I gave the younger children a start. 我让年幼的孩子提前起跑。 ☞see also head start 6 [countable , usually plural ] ( sport 体 ) a race or competition that sb has taken part in (参加的)比赛 ◆ She has been beaten only once in six starts. 她参加了六次比赛,只败过一次。 sudden movement 突然一动 7 [countable , usually singular ] an act of moving your body quickly and suddenly because you are surprised, afraid, etc. 突然一惊 ◆ She woke from the dream with a start. 她猛地一惊,从梦中醒来。 ◆ You gave me quite a start! 你吓了我一大跳! IDIOM for a ˈstart ( informal) used to emphasize the first of a list of reasons, opinions, etc. (强调一系列理由、意见等的第一条)首先 ◆ I'm not working there—for a start, it's too far to travel. 我不去那边干活儿。首先,路太远,去不了。 ☞more at fit n. , flying start SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 start begin ◆start off ◆kick off ◆commence ◆open These words are all used to talk about things happening from the beginning, or people doing the first part of sth. 以上各词均用以指事情开始发生或开始做某事。 ■ start to begin to happen or exist; to begin in a particular way or from a particular point 指开始发生或存在、以…开始、以…为起点: ◆ When does the class start? 什么时候上课? ■ begin to start to happen or exist; to start in a particular way or from a particular point; to start speaking 指开始发生或存在、以…开始、以…为起点、开始讲话: ◆ When does the concert begin? 音乐会什么时候开始? start or begin? 用 start 还是 begin? There is not much difference in meaning between these words. Startis more frequent in spoken English and in business contexts; beginis more frequent in written English and is often used when you are describing a series of events. 上述两词在意义上无多大差别,start 较常用于英语口语和商业语境中,begin 较常用于英语书面语中,描述一系列事情: ◆ The story begins on the island of Corfu. 故事从科孚岛开始。 Startis not used to mean ‘begin speaking’. *start 不用以指开始讲话: ◆ ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he started. ■ start off ( rather informal) to start happening or doing sth; to start by doing or being sth 指进行或开展起来、首先进行、一开始是: ◆ The discussion started off mildly enough. 讨论颇为温和地开展起来。 ■ kick off ( informal) to start an event or activity, especially in a particular way; (of an event, activity, etc.) to start, especially in a particular way 尤指以…开始(活动)、(活动)以…开始: ◆ Tom will kick off with a few comments. 汤姆讲话时要先发表几点意见。 ◆ The festival kicks off on Monday, September 13. 节期从 9 月 13 日星期一开始。 ■ commence ( formal) to start happening 指开始发生: ◆ The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon. 会议定于午间召开。 ■ open to start an event or activity in a particular way; (of an event, film/movie or book) to start, especially in a particular way 指以…开始(活动)、(活动、电影或书)以…开头/开篇: ◆ The story opens with a murder. 故事以一宗谋杀案作序幕。 PATTERNS ◆ to start/begin/start off/kick off/commence/open withsth ◆ to start/begin/start off/kick off/commence/open bydoing sth ◆ to start/begin/start off/commence assth ◆ a campaign / campaign starts/begins/starts off/kicks off/commences/opens ◆ a film / film starts/begins/starts off/opens start / stɑːt ; NAmE stɑːrt /
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