sprayer 美['spreɚ]  


sprayer  美['spreɚ]

n. 喷雾器;喷出水沫的人;洒水车 


The $15, 000 tank and sprayer were donated by Unicef, which also used to supply the potassium iodate. 价值1.5万美元的水槽和喷雾器是联合国儿童基金会捐赠的。 该基金会还同时提供碘酸钾。
Three pounds of salt mixed with a gallon of soapy water, applied to the leaves and stems of poison ivy with a sprayer, will kill this tenacious pest of a plant. 把三磅盐混合在一加仑的肥皂水里,用喷雾器喷洒到叶和茎上,会杀死这种顽强的有害物。

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  • n. 喷雾器;喷出水沫的人;洒水车
  • 1. The $15, 000 tank and sprayer were donated by Unicef, which also used to supply the potassium iodate.

    价值1.5万美元的水槽和喷雾器是联合国儿童基金会捐赠的。 该基金会还同时提供碘酸钾。

  • 2. Three pounds of salt mixed with a gallon of soapy water, applied to the leaves and stems of poison ivy with a sprayer, will kill this tenacious pest of a plant.


  • 3. When you remove the firewalls, the sprayer, and the redundant servers, and even collapse the Web Server and WebSphere Application Server tier, we arrive at the following scenario shown in Figure 7.

    移除了防火墙、Sprayer 和冗余服务器甚至将 Web 服务器及应用服务器层压缩后,我们就可以得到图 7 中所示的下列场景。

spray·er / ˈspreɪə(r) ; NAmE ˈspreɪər / noun a piece of equipment used for spraying liquid, especially paint or a substance used to kill insects that damage crops 喷漆器;喷雾器;喷枪 a paint/crop sprayer 喷漆器;农用喷雾器 sprayer sprayers spray·er / ˈspreɪə(r) ; NAmE ˈspreɪər /
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