explosively [ɪk'splosɪvli]  


explosively  [ɪk'splosɪvli]

adv. 爆发地,引起爆炸地 

A million years ago, molten magma explosively burst above the waves. 一百万年前,熔化的岩浆在海波之上爆发性喷发出来。
As grungy as the rock audience may have been, it wanted its music explosively amplified and expertly modulated; it wanted to hear the beat through its pores. 尽管摇滚乐的观众可能非常邋遢,摇滚乐仍然力图爆炸式地放大,并精细地调制其声响;它希望能透过毛孔听到节奏。

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  • adv. 爆发地,引起爆炸地
  • 1. A million years ago, molten magma explosively burst above the waves.


  • 2. As grungy as the rock audience may have been, it wanted its music explosively amplified and expertly modulated; it wanted to hear the beat through its pores.


  • 3. Dubai, the gulf emirate that has grown explosively over the last decade, is now at the centre of markets' attention on fears that it could struggle to repay its debt.


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