spoil 英 [spɔɪl]   美 [spɔɪl]


spoil  英 [spɔɪl] 美 [spɔɪl]

vt. 溺爱;糟蹋;破坏;掠夺  vi. 掠夺;变坏;腐败  n. 次品;奖品 

进行时:spoiling  过去式:spoiled  过去分词:spoiled  第三人称单数:spoils  名词复数:spoils 

Overacting will only spoil the effect. 表演过火, 效果反而不好。
Boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoil. 把被盥洗室里的线圈弄脏的油煮开,免得它变质.

  • When you spoil something, you destroy it or ruin its quality. If you spoil a surprise, you tell the secret you were supposed to keep.
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  • vt. 溺爱;糟蹋;破坏;掠夺
  • vi. 掠夺;变坏;腐败
  • n. 次品;奖品
  • 1. Overacting will only spoil the effect.

    表演过火, 效果反而不好。

  • 2. Boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoil.


  • 3. Bitterly I thought in my mind that the storm came on purpose to spoil my happiness; all its malice was against me.


  • spoil (n.) "booty, goods captured in time of war," mid-14c., spoils (collective singular), from spoil (v.) or else from Old French espoille "booty, spoil," from the verb in French, and in part from Latin spolium. Also from the Latin noun are Spanish espolio, Italian spoglio.
  • spoil (v.) c. 1300, "to strip (someone) of clothes, strip a slain enemy," from Old French espillier "to strip, plunder, pillage," from Latin spoliare "to strip, uncover, lay bare; strip of clothing, rob, plunder, pillage," from spolia, plural of spolium "arms taken from an enemy, booty;" originally "skin stripped from a killed animal," from PIE *spol-yo-, perhaps from root *spel- "to split, to break off" (see spill (v.)).
spoil / spɔɪl ; NAmE spɔɪl / verb , noun spoil spoils spoilt spoiled spoiling verb ( spoiled , spoiled / spɔɪld ; NAmE spɔɪld / ) ( BrE also spoilt , spoilt / spɔɪlt ; NAmE spɔɪlt / ) 1 [transitive ] spoilsth to change sth good into sth bad, unpleasant, useless, etc. 破坏;搞坏;糟蹋;毁掉 SYN ruin Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. 天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。 Don't let him spoil your evening. 别让他搞得你一晚上不开心。 The tall buildings have spoiled the view. 那些高楼大厦破坏了这一带的景致。 Don't eat too many nuts—you'll spoil your appetite (= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat). 别吃太多坚果,会影响你的食欲。 ( BrE) spoiled ballot papers (= not valid because not correctly marked) 废选票 2 [transitive ] spoilsb to give a child everything that they ask for and not enough discipline in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behaviour 溺爱;娇惯;宠坏 SYN overindulge She spoils those kids of hers. 她那几个孩子给她宠坏了。 3 [transitive ] spoilsb/yourself to make sb/yourself happy by doing sth special 善待;格外关照 Why not spoil yourself with a weekend in a top hotel? 为什么不到顶级饭店度个周末,让自己享受享受呢? He really spoiled me on my birthday. 我生日那天他真让我受宠若惊。 4 [intransitive ] (of food 食物 ) to become bad so that it can no longer be eaten 变坏;变质;腐败 SYN go off IDIOMS be ˈspoiling for a fight to want to fight with sb very much 按捺不住想打架 spoil the ˌship for a ha'p'orth/ha'pennyworth of ˈtar ( saying) to spoil sth good because you did not spend enough money or time on a small but essential part of it 因小失大 more at cook n. noun 1 the spoils [plural ] ( formal or literary) goods taken from a place by thieves or by an army that has won a battle or war 赃物;战利品;掠夺物 2 spoils [plural ] the profits or advantages that sb gets from being successful 成功所带来的好处;权力地位的连带利益 the spoils of high office 身居高位的连带利益 3 [uncountable ] ( technical 术语 ) waste material that is brought up when a hole is dug, etc. (开掘等时挖出的)弃土,废石方 spoil / spɔɪl ; NAmE spɔɪl / spoiled / spɔɪld ; NAmE spɔɪld / spoilt / spɔɪlt ; NAmE spɔɪlt /
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