- Southern means from the south, like a southern breeze. But if you call a group of people “y’all,” you might be Southern, a word which refers to the American South and usually gets a capital “S” — and a side of hush puppies.
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- adj. 南的;南方的
- n. 南方人
1. the southern slopes of the mountains
2. southern Spain
3. a southern accent
- southern Old English suðerne, from suð "south" (see south) + -erne, suffix denoting direction. A common Germanic compound (Old Frisian suthern, Old Norse suðroenn, Old High German sundroni). The constellation Southern Cross so called in English by 1756.
south·ern ★ / ˈsʌðən ; NAmE ˈsʌðərn / ( alsoSouthern ) adjective ( abbr.S ) [usually before noun ] located in the south or facing south; connected with or typical of the south part of the world or a region 南方的;向南的;南部的 ◆ the southern slopes of the mountains 山的南坡 ◆ southern Spain 西班牙南部 ◆ a southern accent 南方口音 south·ern / ˈsʌðən ; NAmE ˈsʌðərn /
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