solace 英 [ˈsɒləs]   美 [ˈsɑləs]


solace  英 [ˈsɒləs] 美 [ˈsɑləs]

n. 安慰;慰藉;安慰之物  vt. 安慰;抚慰;使快乐(过去式solaced,过去分词solaced,现在分词solacing,第三人称单数solaces) 

进行时:solacing  过去式:solaced  过去分词:solaced  第三人称单数:solaces  名词复数:solaces 

Above all, it requires clairvoyant souls—that is, without solace. 而且,它需要无需慰藉的洞察力的灵魂。
My wife would be widowed and my children orphaned, but they would take solace in the knowledge that I had given my life to a cause that the people of some nation believed in. 我的老婆会成为寡妇,我的孩子们会成为孤儿,但是她们会得到几许安慰于此:我所献身的事业是一些国家的人们深信不疑的伟大事业。

  • If something eases your disappointment or grief, consider it a solace. If you're sad, you might find solace in music or in talking to your friends.
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  • n. 安慰;慰藉;安慰之物
  • vt. 安慰;抚慰;使快乐(过去式solaced,过去分词solaced,现在分词solacing,第三人称单数solaces)
  • 1. Above all, it requires clairvoyant souls—that is, without solace.


  • 2. My wife would be widowed and my children orphaned, but they would take solace in the knowledge that I had given my life to a cause that the people of some nation believed in.


  • solace (n.) "comfort in grief, consolation," late 13c., from Old French solaz "pleasure, entertainment, enjoyment; solace, comfort," from Latin solacium "a soothing, assuaging; comfort, consolation," from solatus, past participle of solari "to console, soothe," from PIE *sol-a-, suffixed form of root *sele- "of good mood; to favor" (source also of Old English gesælig "happy;" see silly). Adjectival form solacious is attested 16c.-17c.
  • solace (v.) "comfort, console in grief," late 13c.; also in Middle English "entertain, amuse, please," from Old French solacier "comfort, console" (often with a sexual connotation) and directly from Medieval Latin solatiare "give solace, console" (source also of Spanish solazar, Italian sollazzare), from Latin solacium (see solace (n.)). Related: Solaced; solacing.
sol·ace / ˈsɒləs ; NAmE ˈsɑːləs / noun [uncountable ,  singular ] ( formal) a feeling of emotional comfort when you are sad or disappointed; a person or thing that makes you feel better or happier when you are sad or disappointed 安慰;慰藉;给以安慰的人(或事物) SYN comfort He sought solace in the whisky bottle. 他借酒浇愁。 She turned to Rob for solace. 她到罗布那儿寻求慰藉。 His grandchildren were a solace in his old age. 他晚年从孙儿们身上得到安慰。 so·lace solace solaces solaced solacing / ˈsɒləs ; NAmE ˈsɑːləs / verb solacesb ( literary) She smiled, as though solaced by the memory. 她笑了,仿佛在往事的回忆中得到了安慰。 solace solaces solaced solacing sol·ace / ˈsɒləs ; NAmE ˈsɑːləs / so·lace / ˈsɒləs ; NAmE ˈsɑːləs /
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