snow 英 [snəʊ]   美 [snoʊ]


snow  英 [snəʊ] 美 [snoʊ]

n. 雪,积雪  v. 下雪 

进行时:snowing  过去式:snowed  过去分词:snowed  第三人称单数:snows  名词复数:snows 

snow dissolves into water. 雪会融化成水。
Snow was falling heavily. 正下着大雪。

  • The fluffy white precipitation that falls from the sky in the winter is snow. Many winter sports, like skiing and sledding, require snow.
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  • n. 雪,积雪
  • v. 下雪
  • 1. snow dissolves into water.


  • 2. Snow was falling heavily.


  • 3. We had snow in May this year.


  • 4. The snow was beginning to melt.


  • 5. Her skin was as white as snow.


  • 6. the first snow of winter


  • 7. It's been snowing heavily all day.


  • snow (n.) Old English snaw "snow, that which falls as snow; a fall of snow; a snowstorm," from Proto-Germanic *snaiwaz (source also of Old Saxon and Old High German sneo, Old Frisian and Middle Low German sne, Middle Dutch snee, Dutch sneeuw, German Schnee, Old Norse snjor, Gothic snaiws "snow"), from PIE root *sniegwh- "snow; to snow" (source also of Greek nipha, Latin nix (genitive nivis), Old Irish snechta, Irish sneachd, Welsh nyf, Lithuanian sniegas, Old Prussian snaygis, Old Church Slavonic snegu, Russian snieg', Slovak sneh "snow"). The cognate in Sanskrit, snihyati, came to mean "he gets wet." As slang for "cocaine" it is attested from 1914.
  • snow (v.) c. 1300, from the noun, replacing Old English sniwan, which would have yielded modern snew (which existed as a parallel form until 17c. and, in Yorkshire, even later), from the root of snow (n.). The Old English verb is cognate with Middle Dutch sneuuwen, Dutch sneeuwen, Old Norse snjova, Swedish snöga.
snow / snəʊ ; NAmE snoʊ / noun , verb snow snows snowed snowing noun 1 [uncountable ] small soft white pieces (called flakes ) of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather; this substance when it is lying on the ground 雪;雪花;积雪 Snow was fallingheavily. 正下着大雪。 We had snow in May this year. 今年五月我们这儿下了雪。 The snow was beginning to melt. 积雪开始融化了。 Children were playing in the snow. 孩子们正在雪地里玩。 20 cm of snow were expected today. 原来预计今天下 20 厘米厚的雪。 The snow didn't settle (= stay on the ground). 雪没积起来。 Her skin was as white as snow. 她的皮肤雪白。 collocationsat weather 2 snows [plural ] ( literary) an amount of snow that falls in one particular place or at one particular time (某地或某时的)降雪量;一场雪 the first snows of winter 冬天的头几场雪 the snows of Everest 珠穆朗玛峰的积雪 IDIOM as clean, pure, etc. as the driven ˈsnow extremely clean, pure, etc. 冰清玉洁;纯洁无瑕 verb 1 [intransitive ] when it snows,snow falls from the sky 下雪 It's been snowing heavily all day. 大雪下了一整天。 2 [transitive ] snowsb ( NAmE) ( informal) to impress sb a lot by the things you say, especially if these are not true or not sincere (用花言巧语)蒙,唬 He really snowed me with all his talk of buying a Porsche. 他嘴上老说要买一辆保时捷,还真把我唬住了。 IDIOMS be snowed ˈin/ˈup to be unable to leave a place because of heavy snow 被雪困住 be snowed ˈunder (with sth) to have more things, especially work, than you feel able to deal with (事情太多而)应接不暇,忙得不可开交 I'd love to come but I'm completely snowed under at the moment. 我很想来,但眼下实在是忙得没工夫。 be snowed ˈup (especially of a road 尤指道路 ) to be blocked with snow 被雪封住 snow / snəʊ ; NAmE snoʊ /
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