snake 英 [sneɪk]   美 [snek]


snake  英 [sneɪk] 美 [snek]

n. 蛇; 

进行时:snaking  过去式:snaked  过去分词:snaked  第三人称单数:snakes  名词复数:snakes 

a dead snake. 一条死蛇
The snake coiled round the branch. 那蛇盘绕在树枝上。

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  • n. 蛇;
  • 1. a dead snake.


  • 2. The snake coiled round the branch.


  • snake (n.) Old English snaca, from Proto-Germanic *snakon (source also of Old Norse snakr "snake," Swedish snok, German Schnake "ring snake"), from PIE root *sneg- "to crawl, creeping thing" (source also of Old Irish snaighim "to creep," Lithuanian snakė "snail," Old High German snahhan "to creep"). In Modern English, gradually replacing serpent in popular use.
  • snake (v.) 1650s, "to twist or wind (hair) into the form of a snake," from snake (n.). The intransitive sense of "to move like a snake" is attested from 1848; that of "to wind or twist like a snake" (of roads, etc.) is from 1875. Related: Snaked; snaking.
snake / sneɪk ; NAmE sneɪk / noun , verb snake snakes snaked snaking noun a reptilewith a very long thin body and no legs. There are many types of snake,some of which are poisonous. a snake coiled up in the grass 一条蛇盘在草丛里 Venomous snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered. 毒蛇在无法逃脱时会发出愤怒的呼呼咝咝的声音。 IDIOM a ˌsnake (in the ˈgrass) ( disapproving) a person who pretends to be your friend but who cannot be trusted 阴险的人;潜伏的敌人;虚假的人 verb [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move like a snake, in long twisting curves; to go in a particular direction in long twisting curves 曲折前行;蛇行;蜿蜒伸展 SYN meander + adv./prep. The road snaked away into the distance. 公路蜿蜒伸向远方。 ~ its way + adv./prep. The procession snaked its way through narrow streets. 队伍沿着狭窄的街道曲折穿行。 snake / sneɪk ; NAmE sneɪk /
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