smear 英 [smɪə(r)]   美 [smɪr]


smear  英 [smɪə(r)] 美 [smɪr]

vt. 诽谤;弄脏;涂上;把…擦模糊  n. 涂片;诽谤;污点  vi. 被弄脏 

进行时:smearing  过去式:smeared  过去分词:smeared  第三人称单数:smears  名词复数:smears 

She spotted a little blood onto the smear. 她把一点儿血滴到了涂片上。
How do you know if that's a real tweet or if it's some campaign smear? 那么你怎么能知道它是一条真实的推文,或者是蓄意运作的诽谤呢?

  • To smear something is to smudge or blur it. You might literally smear your pen-and-ink drawing, or figuratively have your reputation smeared by getting caught in a lie.
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  • vt. 诽谤;弄脏;涂上;把…擦模糊
  • n. 涂片;诽谤;污点
  • vi. 被弄脏
  • 1. She spotted a little blood onto the smear.


  • 2. How do you know if that's a real tweet or if it's some campaign smear?


  • 3. Mr Souza, who always denied the accusations, said they were an attempt by rivals to smear him and that there was no evidence to back them.


  • smear (n.) "mark or stain left by smearing," 1610s, from smear (v.). Sense of "small quantity prepared for microscopic examination" is from 1903. Meaning "a quantity of cream cheese, etc., smeared on a bagel" is by 1999, from Yiddish shmir. The earliest noun sense in English is "fat, grease, ointment" (c. 1200), from Old English had smeoru "fat, grease," cognate with Middle Dutch smere, Dutch smeer, German Schmer "grease, fat" (Yiddish schmir), Danish smør, Swedish smör "butter."
  • smear (v.) Old English smerian, smierwan "to anoint or rub with grease, oil, etc.," from Proto-Germanic *smerwjan "to spread grease on" (source also of Old Norse smyrja "to anoint, rub with ointment," Danish smøre, Swedish smörja, Dutch smeren, Old High German smirwen "apply salve, smear," German schmieren "to smear;" Old Norse smör "butter"), from PIE *smeru- "grease" (source also of Greek myron "unguent, balsam," Old Irish smi(u)r "marrow," Old English smeoru "fat, grease, ointment, tallow, lard, suet," Lithuanian smarsas "fat").
smear / smɪə(r) ; NAmE smɪr / verb , noun smear smears smeared smearing verb 1 [transitive ] to spread an oilyor soft substance over a surface in a rough or careless way (用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹 SYN daub smearsth on/over sth The children had smeared mud on the walls. 那几个孩子往墙上抹了泥巴。 smearsth with sth The children had smeared the walls with mud. 那几个孩子往墙上抹了泥巴。 2 [transitive ] smearsth to make sth dirty or greasy 弄脏;弄上油污 His glasses were smeared. 他的眼镜脏了。 smeared windows 脏了的窗户 3 [transitive ] smearsb/sth to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true 诽谤;诋毁 SYN slander The story was an attempt to smear the party leader. 这篇报道是企图玷污该党领袖的声誉。 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] smear(sth) to rub writing, a drawing, etc. so that it is no longer clear; to become not clear in this way 把(字迹、图画等)蹭得模糊不清;变得模糊不清 SYN smudge The last few words of the letter were smeared. 信的最后几个字蹭得看不清了。 noun 1 an oilyor dirty mark 污迹;污渍;污点 a smear of jam 果酱渍 synonyms at mark 2 a story that is not true about sb that is intended to damage their reputation, especially in politics (尤指政治上的)抹黑,丑化 He was a victim of a smear campaign. 他受到对方的毁谤攻击。 3 ( BrE) = smear test smear / smɪə(r) ; NAmE smɪr /
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