sluggishness ['slʌgɪʃnɪs]  


sluggishness  ['slʌgɪʃnɪs]

n. 迟缓;惰性;萧条 


The primary reason for such sluggishness is the cost of fuel. 这种速度上停滞的主要原因是燃料的成本。
This sluggishness is not a problem for many applications, but there are always going to be cases where performance is critical. 这种延缓对于许多应用程序来说不算是问题,但是总是会遇到性能非常关键的情况。

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  • n. 迟缓;惰性;萧条
  • 1. The primary reason for such sluggishness is the cost of fuel.


  • 2. This sluggishness is not a problem for many applications, but there are always going to be cases where performance is critical.


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