


n. 障碍;不利条件 


Food is how we get energy, so although you think you’re doing a good thing by blowing off breakfast, lunch, whatever, you’re actually handicapping yourself. 食物是我们能量的来源。 你可能会认为,你不吃早饭和午饭是为了做有意义的事,但这其实阻碍了你的学习。
But if Berlusconi doesn't move fast to address the structural problems in Italy's economy, the rate could skyrocket up, handicapping Italy's chances in avoiding a devastating default. 但如果贝卢斯科尼不迅速采取行动来解决意大利经济中的结构性问题,利率可能飙升,降低意大利躲过灾难性违约的几率。

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  • n. 障碍;不利条件
  • 1. Food is how we get energy, so although you think you’re doing a good thing by blowing off breakfast, lunch, whatever, you’re actually handicapping yourself.

    食物是我们能量的来源。 你可能会认为,你不吃早饭和午饭是为了做有意义的事,但这其实阻碍了你的学习。

  • 2. But if Berlusconi doesn't move fast to address the structural problems in Italy's economy, the rate could skyrocket up, handicapping Italy's chances in avoiding a devastating default.


  • 3. If you're worried what the world will think of you and what others will say about you then you're seriously handicapping your chances of achieving success.


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