slow 英 [sləʊ]   美 [sloʊ]


slow  英 [sləʊ] 美 [sloʊ]

adj. 慢的;  v. 变慢 

进行时:slowing  过去式:slowed  过去分词:slowed  第三人称单数:slows  比较级:slower  最高级:slowest 

a slow driver 开车慢的人
Progress was slower than expected. 进展比预计的缓慢。

  • Slow things don't move fast, but take a while to get where they're going or do what they're doing. Traveling on a slow train might be fun, but you'll get to California faster on a plane.
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  • adj. 慢的;
  • v. 变慢
  • 1. a slow driver


  • 2. Progress was slower than expected.


  • 3. Oh you're so slow; come on, hurry up!


  • 4. He's the slowest in the class.


  • 5. My watch is five minutes slow


  • 6. You must slow down or you'll make yourself ill.


  • slow (adj.) Old English slaw "inactive, sluggish, torpid, lazy," also "not clever," from Proto-Germanic *slæwaz (source also of Old Saxon sleu "blunt, dull," Middle Dutch slee, Dutch sleeuw "sour, tart, blunt," Old High German sleo "blunt, dull," Old Norse sljor, Danish sløv, Swedish slö "blunt, dull"). Meaning "taking a long time" is attested from early 13c. Meaning "dull, tedious" is from 1841. As an adverb c. 1500. The slows "imaginary disease to account for lethargy" is from 1843.
  • slow (v.) 1550s, "make slower;" 1590s, "go slower," from slow (adj.). Related: Slowed; slowing. Old English had slawian (intransitive) "to be or become slow, be sluggish," but the modern use appears to be a 16c. re-formation.
slow / sləʊ ; NAmE sloʊ / adjective , adverb , verb slow slows slowed slowing slower slowest adjective ( slow·er , slow·est ) not fast 速度低 1 not moving, acting or done quickly; taking a long time; not fast 缓慢的;迟缓的;耗时的;慢的 a slow driver 开车慢的人 Progress was slower than expected. 进展比预计的缓慢。 The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth. 国家经济正在缓慢但稳步地增长。 Collecting data is a painfully slowprocess. 收集材料的过程慢得让人难受。 a slow, lingering death 缓慢而拖延时日的死亡 Oh you're so slow; come on, hurry up! 哎哟,你可真慢;加把劲,快点! The slow movement opens with a cello solo. 慢乐章开头是一段大提琴独奏。 She gave a slow smile. 她慢慢地笑了笑。 2 not going or allowing you to go at a fast speed 慢速的;低速的 I missed the fast train and had to get the slow one (= the one that stops at all the stations). 我误了快车,只得坐慢车。 with delay 拖延 3 hesitating to do sth or not doing sth immediately 迟迟不…;不乐意;慢吞吞的 slowto do sth She wasn't slow to realize what was going on. 她很快意识到出了什么事。 slowin doing sth His poetry was slow in achieving recognition. 他的诗迟迟得不到赏识。 slowdoing sth They were very slow paying me. 他们迟迟不付钱给我。 not clever 不聪明 4 not quick to learn; finding things hard to understand 迟钝的;笨的;理解力差的 He's the slowest in the class. 他是班里最迟钝的。 not busy 不忙碌 5 not very busy; containing little action 不忙碌的;清淡的;冷清的 SYN sluggish Sales are slow (= not many goods are being sold). 销售不旺。 watch/clock 表;钟 6 [not before noun ] showing a time earlier than the correct time My watch is five minutes slow (= it shows 1.45 when it is 1.50). 我的手表慢五分钟。 in photography 摄影 7 slowfilm is not very sensitive to light (胶片)曝光慢的 slow·ness / sləʊnəs ; NAmE sloʊnəs / noun [uncountable ] There was impatience over the slowness of reform. 人们对改革的缓慢进程缺乏耐心。 IDIOM do a slow ˈburn ( NAmE) ( informal) to slowly get angry 慢慢生起气来 more at mark n. , uptake adverb ( slow·er , slow·est ) ( used especially in the comparative and superlative forms, or in compounds 尤用于比较级、最高级形式或构成复合词 ) at a slow speed 慢速地;缓慢地 SYN slowly Could you go a little slower? 你能走慢点吗? slow-drying paint 慢干漆 slow-moving traffic 缓慢行进的车辆 ( NAmE) Drive slow! 慢驶! IDIOM go ˈslow (on sth) to show less enthusiasm for achieving sth (对某事)热情减退 The government is going slow on tax reforms. 政府对于税务改革渐渐失去了热情。 see also go-slow verb [intransitive ,  transitive ] to go or to make sth/sb go at a slower speed or be less active (使)放慢速度,减缓,松劲 Economic growth has slowed a little. 经济增长稍有减缓。 The bus slowed to a halt. 公共汽车减速停了下来。 slowdown/up The car slowed down as it approached the junction. 汽车在驶近交叉路口时放慢了速度。 The game slowed up little in the second half. 比赛节奏在下半场几乎没有减慢。 You must slow down (= work less hard)or you'll make yourself ill. 你得松松劲,不然会累病的。 slowsth/sb down/up The ice on the roads was slowing us down. 公路上有冰,减缓了我们的速度。 slowsth/sb We hope to slow the spread of the disease. 我们希望能够减缓疾病的传播速度。 see also slowdown WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 slow / slowly Slowlyis the usual adverb from the adjective slow. Slowis sometimes used as an adverb in informal language, on road signs, etc. It can also be used to form compounds. *slowly 是常用副词,源自形容词 slow。有时,slow 作为非正式用语或在路标等中也用作副词,亦可用以构成复合词: Slow. Major road ahead. 慢行。前方干道。 a slow-acting drug 药效慢的药 They walk very slow. In the comparative both slowerand more slowlyare used. 比较级作 slower 和 more slowly 均可: Can you speak slower/more slowly? 你说慢点行吗? slow / sləʊ ; NAmE sloʊ / slow·ness / sləʊnəs ; NAmE sloʊnəs /
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