singly 英 ['sɪŋglɪ]   美 ['sɪŋɡli]


singly  英 ['sɪŋglɪ] 美 ['sɪŋɡli]

adv. 逐一地;个别地;各自地;直截了当地 

Listing 1 shows the most basic concurrent, singly linked list interface. 清单 1 给出最基本的并发单向链表接口。
singly they betrayed their inferiority; but grouped together they represented "New York, " and the habit of masculine solidarity made him accept their doctrine on all the issues called moral. 单独来看,他们都处于劣势,但凑在一起,他们却代表着“纽约”,而男性团结一致的惯例使他在称作道德的所有问题上都接受了他们的原则。

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  • adv. 逐一地;个别地;各自地;直截了当地
  • 1. Listing 1 shows the most basic concurrent, singly linked list interface.

    清单 1 给出最基本的并发单向链表接口。

  • 2. singly they betrayed their inferiority; but grouped together they represented "New York, " and the habit of masculine solidarity made him accept their doctrine on all the issues called moral.


  • 3. Topics can be processed singly or within a delivery context that relates multiple topics to a defined deliverable.


  • singly (adv.) c. 1300, from single (adj.) + -ly (2).
sin·gly / ˈsɪŋɡli ; NAmE ˈsɪŋɡli / adverb alone; one at a time 单个地;单独地;一个一个地 SYN individually The stamps are available singly or in books of ten. 邮票有单枚的,也有十枚一册的。 Guests arrived singly or in groups. 客人有单个来的,也有三三两两一起到的。 sin·gly / ˈsɪŋɡli ; NAmE ˈsɪŋɡli /
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