- If something is totally alone, or consists of only one part, it's single, like a single sock in your clean laundry basket that's mysteriously lost its mate.
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- adj. 单一的;单身的;
- n. 一个
1. He sent her a single red rose.
2. I couldn't understand a single word she said!
3. We eat rice every single day.
4. Are you still single?
5. a single bed,a single room
6. a single ticket
7. How much is a single to York?
8. They organize parties for singles.
9. a singles bar,a singles club
10. a singles match
- single (adj.) early 14c., "unmarried," from Old French sengle, sangle "alone, unaccompanied; simple, unadorned," from Latin singulus "one, one to each, individual, separate" (usually in plural singuli "one by one"), from PIE *semgolo‑, suffixed (diminutive?) form of root *sem- (1) "one; as one, together with." Meaning "consisting of one unit, individual, unaccompanied by others" is from late 14c. Meaning "undivided" is from 1580s. Single-parent (adj.) is attested from 1966.
- single (n.) c. 1400, "unmarried person," mid-15c., "a person alone, an individual," from single (adj.). Given various technical meanings from 16c. Sports sense is attested from 1851 (cricket), 1858 (baseball). Of single things from 1640s. Meaning "one-dollar bill" is from 1936. Meaning "phonograph record with one song on each side" is from 1949. Meaning "unmarried swinger" is from 1964; singles bar attested from 1969. An earlier modern word for "unmarried or unattached person" is singleton (1937).
- single (v.) "to separate from the herd" (originally in deer-hunting, often with forth or out), 1570s, from single (adj.). Baseball sense of "to make a one-base hit" is from 1899 (from the noun meaning "one-base hit," attested from 1858). Related: Singled; singling.
sin·gle ★ / ˈsɪŋɡl ; NAmE ˈsɪŋɡl / adjective , noun , verb single singles singled singling adjective ★ one 一个 1 ★ [only before noun ] only one 仅有一个的;单一的;单个的 ◆ He sent her a single red rose. 他送给她一枝红玫瑰。 ◆ a single-sex school (= for boys only or for girls only) 男子(或女子)学校 ◆ All these jobs can now be done by one single machine. 所有这些工作现在只用一台机器就可以完成。 ◆ I couldn't understand a single word she said! 她讲的东西我一个字都听不懂! ◆ the European single currency,the euro 欧洲单一货币欧元 ◆ ( BrE) a single honoursdegree (= for which you study only one subject) 单科荣誉学位 for emphasis 强调 2 ★ [only before noun ] used to emphasize that you are referring to one particular person or thing on its own (特指某人或事物) ◆ Unemployment is the single most important factor in the growing crime rates. 失业是犯罪率日益上升最重要的一个因素。 ◆ We eat rice every single day. 我们天天吃米饭。 not married 未婚 3 ★ (of a person 人 ) not married or having a romantic relationship with sb 单身的;未婚的;无伴侣的 ◆ The apartments are ideal for single people living alone. 这些公寓供单身者独自居住最为理想。 ◆ Are you still single? 你还是单身吗? ☞see also single parent for one person 供一个人使用 4 ★ [only before noun ] intended to be used by only one person 单人的 ◆ a single bed/room 单人床╱房间 ☞compare double adj. (3 ) ticket 票 5 [only before noun ] ( BrE) ( also one-way NAmE, BrE ) a singleticket, etc. can be used for travelling to a place but not back again 单程的 ◆ a single ticket 单程票 ◆ How much is the single fare to Glasgow? 去格拉斯哥的单程票多少钱? ☞compare return n. (7 ) IDIOMsee file n. , glance n. noun ★ ticket 票 1 [countable ] ( BrE) a ticket that allows you to travel to a place but not back again 单程票 ◆ How much is a single to York? 去约克的单程票多少钱? ☞compare return n. (7 ) music 音乐 2 [countable ] a piece of recorded music, usually popular music, that consists of one song; a CD that a singleis recorded on 单曲(常指流行音乐);单曲激光唱片 ◆ The band releases its new single next week. 这支乐队将于下周发行新的单曲唱片。 ☞compare album (2 ) room 房间 3 ★ [countable ] a room in a hotel, etc. for one person (旅馆等的)单人房间 ☞compare double n. (5 ) money 钱 4 [countable ] ( NAmE) a bill/note that is worth one dollar 一元纸币 ☞compare double n. (5 ) unmarried people 未婚者 5 singles [plural ] people who are not married and do not have a romantic relationship with sb else 单身者;无伴侣者 ◆ They organize parties for singles. 他们为单身者组织聚会。 ◆ a singles bar/club 单身酒吧╱俱乐部 in sport 体育运动 6 singles [uncountable + singular or plural verb ] (especially in tennis 尤指网球 ) a game when only one player plays against one other; a series of two or more of these games 单打(比赛) ◆ the women's singles champion 女子单打冠军 ◆ the first round of the men's singles 男子单打第一轮 ◆ a singles match 单打比赛 ◆ She's won three singles titles this year. 她今年获得三个单打冠军。 ☞compare doubles n. (6 ) 7 [countable ] (in cricket 板球 ) a hit from which a player scores one run (= point) 一分打 8 [countable ] (in baseball 棒球 ) a hit that only allows the player to run to first base 一垒打 verb PHRASAL VERB ˌsingle sb/sth↔ˈout (for sth/as sb/sth) to choose sb/sth from a group for special attention 单独挑出 ◆ She was singled out for criticism. 把她单挑出来进行批评。 ◆ He was singled out as the outstanding performer of the games. 他被评选为这次运动会表现最出色的运动员。 sin·gle / ˈsɪŋɡl ; NAmE ˈsɪŋɡl /
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