shout 英 [ʃaʊt]   美 [ʃaʊt]


shout  英 [ʃaʊt] 美 [ʃaʊt]

vi. 呼喊;喊叫;  n. 呼喊;呼叫 

进行时:shouting  过去式:shouted  过去分词:shouted  第三人称单数:shouts  名词复数:shouts 

Give him a shout before you go. 你走以前喊他一声。
They shout to each other. 他们兄弟俩彼此大叫呼喊。

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  • vi. 呼喊;喊叫;
  • n. 呼喊;呼叫
  • 1. Give him a shout before you go.


  • 2. They shout to each other.


  • 3. Stop shouting and listen!


  • 4. She shouted at him to shut the gate.


  • 5. I shouted for help but nobody came.


  • 6. angry shouts


  • 7. a shout of anger


  • shout (n.) late 14c., from shout (v.).
  • shout (v.) c. 1300, schowten "to call or cry out loudly," of unknown origin; perhaps from the root of shoot (v.) on the notion of "throw the voice out loudly," or related to Old Norse skuta "a taunt" (compare scout (v.2)); both from PIE root *skeud- "to shoot, chase, throw." Related: Shouted; shouting.
shout / ʃaʊt ; NAmE ʃaʊt / verb , noun shout shouts shouted shouting verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to say sth in a loud voice; to speak loudly/angrily to sb 大声说;叫;嚷;斥责;怒骂 Stop shouting and listen! 别嚷了,听着! shoutfor sth I shouted for help but nobody came. 我大声呼救,但没人来。 shoutat sb Then he started shouting and swearing at her. 这时,他冲着她又叫又骂起来。 shoutat sb to do sth She shouted at him to shut the gate. 她大声吆喝他把大门关上。 shoutsth (at/to sb) to shout abuse/encouragement/orders 高声辱骂╱鼓励╱命令 shoutthat… He shouted that he couldn't swim. 他大叫他不会游泳。 shoutyourself + adj. She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team. 她为运动队加油,嗓子都喊哑了。 + speech ‘Run!’ he shouted. “跑!”他大喊一声。 2 [intransitive ] shout(out) to make a loud noise 呼叫;喊叫 She shouted out in pain when she tried to move her leg. 她想动动腿,结果疼得大叫起来。 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( AustralE, NZE) to buy drinks or food for sb in a bar, restaurant, etc. (在酒吧、餐厅等)请人喝饮料(或吃东西) I'll shout—what are you drinking? 我请客,你想喝什么? shout(sb) sth Who's going to shout me a drink? 谁要请我喝一杯? PHRASAL VERBS ˌshout sb↔ˈdown to shout so that sb who is speaking cannot be heard 用喊叫声盖过某人的讲话 The speaker was shouted down by a group of protesters. 一群抗议者大叫大嚷,盖过了讲话人的声音。 ˌshout sth↔ˈout to say sth in a loud voice so that it can be clearly heard 大声说出 Don't shout out all the answers. 别把所有的答案都大声说出来。 + speech ‘I'm over here!’ I shouted out. “我在这边!”我大声喊道。 noun 1 a loud cry of anger, fear, excitement, etc. (愤怒、害怕、激动等的)呼喊,喊叫声 angry shouts 愤怒的叫喊 a shout of anger 一声怒吼 I heard her warning shout too late. 我听到她的大声警告,但已经太晚了。 2 ( BrE) ( informal) a person's turn to buy drinks 轮到某人请客(喝饮料) What are you drinking? It's my shout. 你喝什么?该我请客了。 IDIOMS be ˌin with a ˈshout (of sth/of doing sth) ( informal) to have a good chance of winning sth or of achieving sth 成功在望 give sb a ˈshout ( informal) to tell sb sth 告诉某人 Give me a shout when you're ready. 准备好了告诉我一声。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 shout yell cry scream cheer bellow raise your voice These words all mean to say sth in a very loud voice. 以上各词均指大声说出、叫嚷。 shout to say sth in a loud voice; to speak loudly and often angrily to sb 指大声说、叫、嚷、斥责、怒骂: Stop shouting and listen! 别嚷了,注意听! ‘Run!’ he shouted. “跑!”他大喊一声。 yell to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain 指(因气愤、激动、害怕或痛苦而)叫喊、大喊、吼叫: She yelled at the boy to get down from the wall. 她冲小孩大喊,让他从墙上下来。 cry ( rather formalor literary) to shout loudly 指喊叫、呼喊、呼叫: She ran over to the window and cried for help. 她跑到窗口呼喊救命。 scream to shout sth in a loud high voice because you are afraid, angry or excited 指(因害怕、气愤或激动而)尖叫、大叫: He screamed at me to stop. 他冲着我大叫,要我停下来。 cheer (especially of a crowd of people) to shout loudly to show support or praise for sb, or to give them encouragement (尤指一群人)欢呼、喝彩、加油: We all cheered as the team came onto the field. 球队入场时我们都欢呼起来。 bellow to shout in a loud deep voice, especially because you are angry 指大声吼叫,尤指怒吼: ‘Quiet!’ the teacher bellowed. “安静!”老师大吼道。 raise your voice to speak loudly to sb, especially because you are angry (尤指因气愤而)提高嗓门、大声说话: She never once raised her voice to us. 她从未对我们提高嗓门说话。 PATTERNS to shout/yell/cry/raise your voice tosb to shout/yell/scream/bellow atsb to shout/yell/cry out/scream/bellow inpain/anguish/rage, etc. to shout/cry out/scream forjoy/excitement/delight, etc. to shout/yell/cry out/scream withexcitement/triumph, etc. to shout/yell/scream/bellow at sb to do sth to shout/yell/scream abuse to shout/yell/cry/scream for help shout / ʃaʊt ; NAmE ʃaʊt /
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