shit 英 [ʃɪt]   美 [ʃɪt]


shit  英 [ʃɪt] 美 [ʃɪt]

n. 屎;粪  vi. 拉屎  vt. 欺骗;在…拉屎 

进行时:shitting  过去式:shitted  过去分词:shitted  第三人称单数:shits  名词复数:shits 

Everything he touches turns to shit. 他碰到什么东西都变成屎。
We must chuck them... in this shit life. 我们必须扔掉它们...在这种狗屎人生里。

  • Shit is one of the most commonly used slang words that mean "poop" or "crap." Or it's used as an emphatic exclamation roughly meaning "oh no!" Despite its commonness, shit is still considered inappropriate.
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  • n. 屎;粪
  • vi. 拉屎
  • vt. 欺骗;在…拉屎
  • int. 狗屁;呸
  • 1. Everything he touches turns to shit.


  • 2. We must chuck them... in this shit life.


  • 3. The effect of turning everything into shit.


  • shit (n.) Old English scitte "purging, diarrhea," from source of shit (v.). Sense of "excrement" dates from 1580s (Old English had scytel, Middle English shitel for "dung, excrement;" the usual 14c. noun seems to have been turd). Use for "obnoxious person" is at least since 1508; meaning "misfortune, trouble" is attested from 1937. Shit-faced "drunk" is 1960s student slang; shit list is from 1942. Up shit creek "in trouble" is from 1937 (compare salt river). To not give a shit "not care" is from 1922. Pessimistic expression Same shit different day attested by 1989. Shitload (also shit-load) for "a great many" is by 1970. Shitticism is Robert Frost's word for scatological writing.
  • shit (v.) Old English scitan, from Proto-Germanic *skit- (source also of North Frisian skitj, Dutch schijten, German scheissen), from PIE root *skei- "to cut, split." The notion is of "separation" from the body (compare Latin excrementum, from excernere "to separate," Old English scearn "dung, muck," from scieran "to cut, shear;" see sharn). It is thus a cousin to science and conscience.
shit / ʃɪt ; NAmE ʃɪt / exclamation , noun , verb , adjective shit shits shitted shat shitting exclamation ( taboo, slang) a swear word that many people find offensive, used to show that you are angry or annoyed (表示气愤或恼怒) Shit! I've lost my keys! 他妈的!我把钥匙丢了! HELP  Less offensive exclamations to use are blast, darn it(especially NAmE), damnor ( BrE) bother. 冒犯程度比 shit 稍弱的有 blast、darn it (尤用于美式英语)、 damn 或(英式英语) bother。 noun ( taboo, slang) 1 [uncountable ] solid waste matter from the bowels 屎;粪便 SYN excrement a pile of dog shit on the path 小路上的一堆狗屎 HELP  A more polite way to express this example would be ‘a pile of dog poo/poop’. 较有礼貌的说法是 a pile of dog poo/poop。 2 [singular ] an act of emptying solid waste matter from the bowels 拉屎 to have/take a shit 拉屎 3 [uncountable ] stupid remarks or writing; nonsense 胡扯;废话;狗屁 You're talking shit! 你在瞎扯淡! She's so full of shit. 她满嘴废话。 see also bullshit n. 4 [countable ] ( disapproving) an unpleasant person who treats other people badly 可鄙的人;讨厌家伙 He's an arrogant little shit. 他是个傲慢的卑鄙小人。 5 [uncountable ] criticism or unfair treatment 责骂;欺侮 I'm not going to take any shit from them. 我可不受他们的气。 IDIOMS beat, kick, etc. the ˈshit out of sb to attack sb violently so that you injure them 把某人打得屁滚尿流;揍扁 in the ˈshit | in ˌdeep ˈshit in trouble 遇到麻烦 I'll be in the shit if I don't get this work finished today. 要是今天不把这活儿做完,那我就惨了。 like ˈshit really bad, ill/sick etc; really badly 糟透;十分差劲 I woke up feeling like shit. 我醒来感觉很不舒服。 We get treated like shit in this job. 我们这个活儿真不是人干的。 no ˈshit! ( often ironic) used to show that you are surprised, impressed, etc. or that you are pretending to be (表示或假装惊讶等) not give a ˈshit (about sb/sth) to not care at all about sb/sth 一点不在乎;毫不关心 He doesn't give a shit about anybody else. 别人他谁都不放在心上。 shit ˈhappens used to express the idea that we must accept that bad things often happen without reason 天有不测风云;坏事难免会发生 when the ˌshit hits the ˈfan when sb in authority finds out about sth bad or wrong that sb has done 做了坏事(或错事)被发现 When the shit hits the fan, I don't want to be here. 事情一旦败露,我就不想待在这儿了。 more at bug v. , crock , scare v. verb ( shit·ting , shit , shit ) ( taboo, slang) HELP  shat /ʃæt / and, in BrE, shit·tedare also used for the past tense and past participle. 过去时和过去分词也用 shat,英式英语还用 shitted。 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] shit(sth) to empty solid waste matter from the bowels 拉屎 HELP  A more polite way of expressing this is ‘to go to the toilet/lavatory’ ( BrE), ‘to go to the bathroom’ ( NAmE) or ‘to go’. A more formal expression is ‘to empty the bowels’. 较文雅的说法是 to go to the toilet/lavatory (英式英语)、to go to the bathroom (美式英语)或 to go。更正式的说法是 to empty the bowels。 2 [transitive ] shityourself to empty solid waste matter from the bowelsby accident 意外地拉屎 3 [transitive ] shityourself to be very frightened 非常害怕 adjective ( taboo, slang) ( especially BrE) very bad 非常糟糕 You're shit and you know you are! 你狗屁不是!知道吧,狗屁不是! They're a shit team. 他们那支队臭得很。 shit / ʃɪt ; NAmE ʃɪt /
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