shape 英 [ʃeɪp]   美 [ʃep]


shape  英 [ʃeɪp] 美 [ʃep]

n. 形状;  vt. 使成为…形状;塑造; 

进行时:shaping  过去式:shaped  过去分词:shaped  第三人称单数:shapes  名词复数:shapes 

a rectangular shape 长方形
The pool was in the shape of a heart. 游泳池呈心形。

  • The form of something gives it its shape. Basic shapes include the square, the circle, and the triangle. You may have a nose the shape of a ski slope.
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  • n. 形状;
  • vt. 使成为…形状;塑造;
  • 1. a rectangular shape


  • 2. The pool was in the shape of a heart.


  • 3. Candles come in all shapes and sizes.


  • 4. He's in good shape for a man of his age.


  • 5. I like to keep in shape (= keep fit).


  • 6. Shape the dough into a ball.


  • shape (n.) Old English sceap, gesceap "form; created being, creature; creation; condition; sex, genitalia," from root of shape (v.)). Meaning "contours of the body" is attested from late 14c. Meaning "condition, state" is first recorded 1865, American English. In Middle English, the word in plural also had a sense of "a woman's private parts." Shape-shifter attested from 1820. Out of shape "not in proper shape" is from 1690s. Shapesmith "one who undertakes to improve the form of the body" was used in 1715.
  • shape (v.) Old English scapan, past participle of scieppan "to create, form, destine" (past tense scop), from Proto-Germanic *skapjanan "create, ordain" (source also of Old Norse skapa, Danish skabe, Old Saxon scapan, Old Frisian skeppa, Middle Dutch schappen "do, treat," Old High German scaffan, German schaffen "shape, create, produce"), from PIE root *(s)kep-, forming words meaning "to cut, scrape, hack" (see scabies), which acquired broad technical senses and in Germanic a specific sense of "to create."
shape / ʃeɪp ; NAmE ʃeɪp / noun , verb shape shapes shaped shaping noun 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] the form of the outer edges or surfaces of sth; an example of sth that has a particular form 形状;外形;样子;呈…形状的事物 a rectangular shape 长方形 The pool was in the shape ofa heart. 游泳池呈心形。 The island was originally circular in shape. 这个岛原先为圆形。 Squares, circles and triangles are types of shape. 正方形、圆形和三角形是形状类别。 Candles come in all shapes and sizes. 有各种形状和大小的蜡烛。 You can recognize the fish by the shape of their fins. 你可以根据鳍的形状来辨认这种鱼。 This old T-shirt has completely lost its shape. 这件旧 T 恤衫已经穿得完全走样了。 ( figurative) The government provides money in the shape of (= consisting of)grants and student loans. 政府以助学金和学生贷款的形式提供资助。 2 [countable ] a person or thing that is difficult to see clearly 模糊的影子 SYN figure Ghostly shapes moved around in the dark. 有几个鬼一样的影子在黑暗中游荡。 3 [uncountable ] the physical condition of sb/sth 状况;情况 What sort of shape was the car in after the accident? 这车出过事故以后状况如何? He's in good shapefor a man of his age. 作为那把年纪的人来说,他身体不错。 I like to keep in shape (= keep fit). 我喜欢保持健康。 4 [uncountable ] the particular qualities or characteristics of sth 性质;特点 Will new technology change the shape of broadcasting? 新技术会改变广播的方式吗? IDIOMS get (yourself) into ˈshape to take exercise, eat healthy food, etc. in order to become physically fit 强身健体 get/knock/lick sb into ˈshape to train sb so that they do a particular job, task, etc. well 把某人培养成材(或训练出来) get/knock/lick sth into ˈshape to make sth more acceptable, organized or successful 把某事物整顿好;使某事物条理化(或更趋完善) I've got all the information together but it still needs knocking into shape. 我把材料全都收集齐了,但还需要整理。 give ˈshape to sth ( formal) to express or explain a particular idea, plan, etc. 表达,阐释(观点、计划等) in ˈany (way,) shape or form ( informal) of any type 任何形式 I don't approve of violence in any shape or form. 我不赞成任何形式的暴力行为。 out of ˈshape 1 not having the normal shape 变形的;走样的 The wheel had been twisted out of shape. 轮子已经扭曲变形了。 2 (of a person ) not in good physical condition 身体不好;不健康 the ˌshape of ˌthings to ˈcome the way things are likely to develop in the future 未来的状况 take ˈshape to develop and become more complete or organized 成形;有了模样 more at bent adj. verb 1 [transitive ] to make sth into a particular shape 使成为…形状(或样子);塑造 shapeA into B Shape the dough into a ball. 把和好的面揉成一团。 shapesth This tool is used for shaping wood. 这个工具是用来加工木料的。 2 [transitive ] shapesb/sth to have an important influence on the way that sb/sth develops 决定…的形成;影响…的发展 His ideas had been shaped by his experiences during the war. 他的思想深受战时经历的影响。 She had a leading role in shaping party policy. 该党奉行何种政策,她起着主导作用。 3 [intransitive ] shapeto do sth to prepare to do sth, especially hit or kick sth 准备(做某动作);摆好姿势 She was shaping to hit her second shot. 她正准备再一次击球。 IDIOM ˈshape up or ship ˈout ( NAmE) ( informal) used to tell sb that if they do not improve, work harder, etc. they will have to leave their job, position, etc. 不好好干就卷铺盖 He finally faced up to his drug problem when his band told him to shape up or ship out. 乐队警告他要么好好干,要么走人,这使他终于正视自己的吸毒问题。 PHRASAL VERB ˌshape ˈup 1 to develop in a particular way, especially in a good way 进展(顺利) Our plans are shaping up nicely (= showing signs that they will be successful). 我们的计划进行得很好。 2 ( informal) to improve your behaviour, work harder, etc. 改善(行为、工作等) If he doesn't shape up, he'll soon be out of a job. 他要是不改好,很快就会丢饭碗的。 shape / ʃeɪp ; NAmE ʃeɪp /
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