secure 英 [sɪˈkjʊə(r)]   美 [səˈkjʊr]


secure  英 [sɪˈkjʊə(r)] 美 [səˈkjʊr]

adj. 可靠的,安全的;稳当的  v. 获得;使...安全 

进行时:securing  过去式:secured  过去分词:secured  第三人称单数:secures 

At last they were able to feel secure about the future. 他们终于觉得不必为将来而担忧了。
It's not a very secure way to make a living. 以此谋生终非长久之计。

  • Secure means safe, protected. Your money is secure in a bank. Supportive friends and family make you feel secure.
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  • adj. 可靠的,安全的;稳当的
  • v. 获得;使...安全
  • 1. At last they were able to feel secure about the future.


  • 2. It's not a very secure way to make a living.


  • 3. Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion.


  • 4. The aerial doesn't look very secure to me.


  • 5. She secured 2 000 votes.

    她获得 2 000 票。

  • 6. He secured himself a place at law school.


  • 7. to secure a property against intruders


  • secure (adj.) 1530s, "without care, dreading no evil," from Latin securus, of persons, "free from care, quiet, easy," also in a bad sense, "careless, reckless;" of things, "tranquil; free from danger, safe," from *se cura, from se "free from" (see secret (n.)) + cura "care" (see cure (n.)).
  • secure (v.) c. 1600, "to make safe," from secure (adj.). Meaning "ensure, make certain" is from 1650s; that of "seize and hold" is from 1640s; sense of "get possession" is from 1743. Related: Secured; securing.
se·cure AWL / sɪˈkjʊə(r) ; NAmE səˈkjʊr / adjective , verb secure secures secured securing adjective happy/confident 满足;自信 1 feeling happy and confident about yourself or a particular situation 安心的;有把握的 At last they were able to feel secureabout the future. 他们终于觉得不必为将来而担忧了。 She finished the match, secure in the knowledge thatshe was through to the next round. 她打完比赛,知道自己已进入下一轮,心里踏实了。 OPP insecure certain/safe 可靠;保险 2 likely to continue or be successful for a long time 可靠的;牢靠的;稳固的 SYN safe a secure job/income 稳定的工作╱收入 It's not a very secure way to make a living. 以此谋生终非长久之计。 The future of the company looks secure. 看来公司未来不会有问题。 OPP insecure 3 secure(against/from sth) that cannot be affected or harmed by sth 安全的;稳妥的 Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion. 必须把资料保存起来,这样才不至于无意中删除。 building/door/room 建筑物;门;房间 4 guarded and/or made stronger so that it is difficult for people to enter or leave 严密把守的;牢固的;坚固的 Check that all windows and doors have been made as secure as possible. 看看是不是所有的门窗都关紧了。 a secure unit for child offenders 少年犯拘留病房 OPP insecure firm 牢固 5 not likely to move, fall down, etc. 牢固的;稳固的;坚固的 SYN stable The aerial doesn't look very secure to me. 我看这天线不太牢固。 It was difficult to maintain a secure foothold on the ice. 在冰上不容易站稳脚。 ( figurative) Our relationship was now on a more secure footing. 现在,我们的关系有一个更为稳固的基础了。 OPP insecure se·cure·ly AWL / ; NAmE / adverb She locked the door securely behind her. 她随手把门锁好。 Make sure the ropes are securely fastened. 务必把绳子拴牢。 verb ( formal) get sth 得到 1 to obtain or achieve sth, especially when this means using a lot of effort (尤指经过努力)获得,取得,实现 securesth to secure a contract/deal 订立合同;达成协议 The team managed to secure a place in the finals. 球队拚得了决赛的一席之地。 She secured 2 000 votes. 她获得 2 000 票。 securesth for sb/sth/yourself He secured a place for himself at law school. 他在法学院取得了学籍。 securesb/sth/yourself sth He secured himself a place at law school. 他取得了法学院的学籍。 fasten firmly 牢靠地固定 2 securesth (to sth) to attach or fasten sth firmly 拴牢;扣紧;关严 She secured the rope firmly to the back of the car. 她把绳子牢牢地拴在车后面。 protect from harm 使不受危害 3 to protect sth so that it is safe and difficult to attack or damage 保护;保卫;使安全 securesth against sth to secure a property against intruders 保护房产以免外人闯入 securesth The windows were secured with locks and bars. 窗户已经插上栓,上了锁,都关好了。 ( figurative) a savings plan that will secure your child's future 为您孩子的未来提供保障的储蓄计划 a loan 借贷 4 securesth to legally agree to give sb property or goods that are worth the same amount as the money that you have borrowed from them, if you are unable to pay the money back 抵押 a loan secured on the house 以房子作抵押的贷款 se·cure / sɪˈkjʊə(r) ; NAmE səˈkjʊr / se·cure·ly / ; NAmE /
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