secrecy 英 [ˈsi:krəsi]   美 [ˈsikrɪsi]


secrecy  英 [ˈsi:krəsi] 美 [ˈsikrɪsi]

n. 保密;秘密 


the need for absolute secrecy in this matter 在这件事情上绝对保密的必要性
Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy. 所有相关人员均被要求宣誓保密。

  • Secrecy is a word for a state or condition where things are concealed or hidden. CIA agents and conspirators know a lot about secrecy.
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  • n. 保密;秘密
  • 1. the need for absolute secrecy in this matter


  • 2. Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy.


  • 3. The whole affair is still shrouded in secrecy.


  • secrecy (n.) 1570s, from secretee, "quality of being secret" (early 15c.), from Old French secré, variant of secret (see secret (n.)) + -ty (2). Form altered on model of primacy, etc.
se·crecy / ˈsiːkrəsi ; NAmE ˈsiːkrəsi / noun [uncountable ] the fact of making sure that nothing is known about sth; the state of being secret 保密;秘密 the need for absolute secrecy in this matter 在这件事情上绝对保密的必要性 Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy. 所有相关人员均被要求宣誓保密。 The whole affair is still shrouded in secrecy. 整个事件依旧秘而不宣。 se·crecy / ˈsiːkrəsi ; NAmE ˈsiːkrəsi /
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