rig 英 [rɪg]   美 [rɪɡ]


rig  英 [rɪg] 美 [rɪɡ]

n. 装备;钻探设备;服装;[船] 帆装  vt. 操纵;装配;装扮;装上索具 

进行时:rigging  过去式:rigged  过去分词:rigged  第三人称单数:rigs  名词复数:rigs 

He says the "rig count" in the natural gas market – an indicator of production – supports a possible price rise, but warns inventories are high and demand weak. 他表示,天然气市场的“钻井设备数量”(一种产量指标)支持价格上涨的可能性,但警告称库存依然高企而需求疲弱。
But under these conditions, she would probably say that he could not rig it enough to steal the election completely. 但是在这些条件下,她可能会说,穆沙拉夫不可能将选举操控到窃取全部议席的程度。

  • When you rig something, you connect parts in a way that's so crazy it just might work. You could rig your jeans by using a paper clip to replace a button that pops.
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  • n. 装备;钻探设备;服装;[船] 帆装
  • vt. 操纵;装配;装扮;装上索具
  • 1. He says the "rig count" in the natural gas market – an indicator of production – supports a possible price rise, but warns inventories are high and demand weak.


  • 2. But under these conditions, she would probably say that he could not rig it enough to steal the election completely.


  • 3. The oil slick resulted from an accident at the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico.


rig / rɪɡ ; NAmE rɪɡ / verb , noun rig rigs rigged rigging verb ( -gg- ) [usually passive ] 1 rigsth to arrange or influence sth in a dishonest way in order to get the result that you want (以不正当的手段)操纵,控制 SYN fix He said the election had been rigged. 他说选举被人操纵了。 to rig the market (= to cause an artificial rise or fall in prices, in order to make a profit) 操纵市场 2 rigsth (with sth) to provide a ship or boat with ropes, sails, etc; to fit the sails, etc. in position (给船只)装帆,提供索具 3 rigsth (up) (with sth) to fit equipment somewhere, sometimes secretly (秘密地)安装,装配 The lights had been rigged (up) but not yet tested. 灯已经装好了,但还没有经过测试。 The car had been rigged with about 300 lbs of explosive. 有人暗中在车上放了大约 300 磅炸药。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌrig sb/sth/yourself↔ˈout (in/with sth) [often passive ] ( old-fashioned) to provide sb/sth with a particular kind of clothes or equipment 给…提供(服装或设备) I was accepted for the job and rigged out in a uniform. 我获得录用从事这份工作,并配发了制服。 ˌrig sth↔ˈup to make or to build sth quickly, using whatever materials are available (用现有的材料)匆匆做成,草草搭建 We managed to rig up a shelter for the night. 我们匆匆搭了个棚子过夜。 noun 1 ( especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词 ) a large piece of equipment that is used for taking oil or gas from the ground or the bottom of the sea 钻井设备;钻塔 an oil rig 石油钻塔 2 the way that the mastsand sails on a boat, etc. are arranged 帆装(船桅和风帆等的安装模式) 3 ( NAmE) ( informal) a large lorry/truck 大卡车;大货车 4 equipment that is used for a special purpose 有专门用途的设备 a CB radio rig 民用波段无线电设备 rig / rɪɡ ; NAmE rɪɡ /
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