sculpt 英 [skʌlpt]   美 [skʌlpt]


sculpt  英 [skʌlpt] 美 [skʌlpt]

v. 雕刻;雕塑 

进行时:sculpting  过去式:sculpted  过去分词:sculpted  第三人称单数:sculpts  名词复数:sculpts 

a display of animals sculpted in ice 冰雕动物展
The figures were sculpted from single blocks of marble. 这些雕像都是用整块大理石雕成的。

  • To sculpt is to shape or carve a figure out of a moldable or hard material. You could sculpt a figure of your mom's cat or you could sculpt your biceps by lifting weights.
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  • v. 雕刻;雕塑
  • 1. a display of animals sculpted in ice


  • 2. The figures were sculpted from single blocks of marble.


  • 3. a coastline sculpted by the wind and sea


  • sculpt (v.) 1826 (implied in sculpted), from French sculpter, from Latin sculpt-, past participle stem of sculpere "to carve" (see sculpture). Related: Sculpting. The older verb form was sculpture (1640s), also sculp (1530s).
sculpt / skʌlpt ; NAmE skʌlpt / verb [usually passive ] 1 to make figures or objects by carvingor shaping wood, stone, clay,metal, etc. 雕刻;雕塑 sculptsth (in sth) a display of animals sculpted in ice 冰雕动物展 sculptsth (from/out of sth) The figures were sculpted from single blocks of marble. 这些雕像都是用整块大理石雕成的。 collocationsat art 2 sculptsth to give sth a particular shape 使具有某种形状 a coastline sculpted by the wind and sea 在风和海水的作用下形成的海岸线 sculpt sculpts sculpted sculpting sculpt / skʌlpt ; NAmE skʌlpt /
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