scuffle 英 [ˈskʌfl]   美 [ˈskʌfəl]


scuffle  英 [ˈskʌfl] 美 [ˈskʌfəl]

vi. 扭打;乱斗;拖着脚走路  n. 混战;扭打 

进行时:scuffling  过去式:scuffled  过去分词:scuffled  第三人称单数:scuffles  名词复数:scuffles 

He was retaliating after his son was hurt in a scuffle. 目的是为在混战中受伤的儿子报仇。
A scuffle ensued, and government officials and hotel staff whisked her outside to a car, and she was driven away. 随之而来的是扭打,政府官员和酒店人员很快把她带到车上,而后被带离。

  • As both a noun and a verb, scuffle involves a fight. As a noun, it is the clash itself, like a scuffle between sworn enemies. As a verb, it means to fight, like a bully who will scuffle with just about anyone.
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  • vi. 扭打;乱斗;拖着脚走路
  • n. 混战;扭打
  • 1. He was retaliating after his son was hurt in a scuffle.


  • 2. A scuffle ensued, and government officials and hotel staff whisked her outside to a car, and she was driven away.


  • 3. Okay, there was a little scuffle, first.

    好吧,我承认是在扭打之后。 起初,我试图阻止她。

  • scuffle (v.) "to push or fight in a disorderly manner," 1570s, probably a frequentative form of scuff, of Scandinavian origin. Related: Scuffled; scuffling. As a noun c. 1600, from the verb.
scuf·fle / ˈskʌfl ; NAmE ˈskʌfl / noun , verb scuffle scuffles scuffled scuffling noun scuffle(with sb) | scuffle(between A and B) a short and not very violent fight or struggle (短暂而不太激烈的)肢体摩擦,冲突 Scuffles broke outbetween police and demonstrators. 警察和示威者之间发生了冲突。 synonyms at fight verb 1 [intransitive ] scuffle(with sb) (of two or more people 两人或多人之间 ) to fight or struggle with each other for a short time, in a way that is not very serious (短暂而不严重地)扭打,冲突,争斗 She scuffled with photographers as she left her hotel. 在离开所住的旅馆时,她和一些摄影记者发生了冲突。 2 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to move quickly making a quiet rubbing noise 窸窸窣窣地疾行 Some animal was scuffling in the bushes. 有只动物在灌木丛中窸窸窣窣地穿行。 scuf·fle / ˈskʌfl ; NAmE ˈskʌfl /
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