safety net 英 [ˈseifti net]   美 [ˈsefti nɛt]

safety net

safety net  英 [ˈseifti net] 美 [ˈsefti nɛt]

phrase. 安全网  phrase. 安全保障 

名词复数:safety nets 

After all, what could be more urgent than making sure our national security safety net is up to the task of saving lives? 毕竟,确保国家安全保障网络就取决于挽救生命的工作任务,那么还有什么是比这更急迫的?
For many of them, economic growth has produced the sort of social complexities—inequality and the severing of many strands of the social safety net—that cry out for some sort of political reform. 他们中的很多人认为,经济的增长使得社会变得复杂,诸如社会的不平等和社会安全网络的断裂,因此,他们呼吁进行一些政治上的变革。

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  • phrase. 安全网
  • phrase. 安全保障
  • 1. After all, what could be more urgent than making sure our national security safety net is up to the task of saving lives?


  • 2. For many of them, economic growth has produced the sort of social complexities—inequality and the severing of many strands of the social safety net—that cry out for some sort of political reform.


  • 3. They agreed last week to set up a permanent financial safety net beginning in 2013 to handle future crisis in the Euro Zone, which will expand to include Estonia next year.

    他们上个星期同意建立一个从2013年开始的永久性的金融安全网络,以应对欧元区未来出现的危机。 明年,欧元区将扩大到爱沙尼亚。

ˈsafety net / ; NAmE / noun 1 an arrangement that helps to prevent disaster if sth goes wrong (防备不测的)保障措施;安全网 a financial safety net 金融“安全网” people who have fallen through the safety net and ended up homeless on the streets 未能享受保障措施终致流落街头的人 2 a net placed underneath acrobats,etc. to catch them if they fall (保护杂技演员等的)安全网 safety net safety nets ˈsafety net / ; NAmE /
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