rush 英 [rʌʃ]   美 [rʌʃ]


rush  英 [rʌʃ] 美 [rʌʃ]

n. 猛冲,仓促,急急  v. 急促,仓促;突袭 

进行时:rushing  过去式:rushed  过去分词:rushed  第三人称单数:rushes  名词复数:rushes 

the sound of rushing water 湍急的水声
We've got plenty of time; there's no need to rush. 我们还有很多时间,用不着太急促。

  • To rush is to hurry or move very quickly, like when you rush to get to class on time or rush to catch the subway instead of waiting for the next one.
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  • n. 猛冲,仓促,急急
  • v. 急促,仓促;突袭
  • 1. the sound of rushing water


  • 2. We've got plenty of time; there's no need to rush.


  • 3. Don't rush off, I haven't finished.


  • 4. We had to rush our meal.


  • 5. Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital.


  • 6. We don't want to rush into having a baby.


  • 7. Don't rush me. I need time to think about it.


  • 8. Fans rushed the stage after the concert.


  • 9. Shoppers made a rush forthe exits.


  • 10. They listened to the rush of the sea below.


  • 11. I can't stop—I'm in a rush.


  • 12. a rush job


  • 13. the Christmas rush


  • 14. There's been a rush on umbrellas this week.


  • rush (n.1) "plant growing in marshy ground," Old English resc, earlier risc, from Proto-Germanic *rusk- (source also of Middle Low German rusch, Middle High German rusch, German Rausch, West Frisian risk, Dutch rusch), from PIE *rezg- "to plait, weave, wind" (source also of Latin restis "cord, rope").
  • rush (n.2) "a hasty driving forward," late 14c., from rush (v.). Sense of "mass migration of people" (especially to a gold field) is from 1848, American English. Football/rugby sense from 1857. Meaning "surge of pleasure" is from 1960s. Rush hour first recorded 1888. Rush order from 1896.
  • rush (v.) mid-14c. (implied in rushing), "to drive back or down," from Anglo-French russher, from Old French ruser "to dodge, repel" (see ruse). Meaning "to do something quickly" is from 1650s; transitive sense of "to hurry up (someone or something)" is from 1850. U.S. Football sense originally was in rugby (1857).
rush / rʌʃ ; NAmE rʌʃ / verb , noun rush rushes rushed rushing verb move fast 快速移动 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move or to do sth with great speed, often too fast 迅速移动;急促 We've got plenty of time; there's no need to rush. 我们还有很多时间,用不着太急促。 the sound of rushing water 湍急的水声 + adv./prep. Don't rush off, I haven't finished. 别急着走哇,我还没说完呢。 I've been rushing around all day trying to get everything done. 我一整天都四下忙活,想把所有的事都做完。 People rushed to buy shares in the company. 人们争着抢购公司的股票。 rushsth We had to rush our meal. 我们只好匆匆忙忙地吃饭。 take/send quickly 迅速带走╱送出 2 [transitive ] rushsb/sth + adv./prep. | rushsb sth to transport or send sb/sth somewhere with great speed 快速运输;速送 Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital. 救护车迅速将伤者送往医院。 Relief supplies were rushed in. 救援物资很快就运来了。 do sth too quickly 仓促行事 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to do sth or to make sb do sth without thinking about it carefully (使)仓促行事,匆忙行事,做事草率 rushinto sth/into doing sth We don't want to rush into having a baby. 我们不急着要孩子。 rushsb Don't rush me. I need time to think about it. 别催我,我需要时间考虑一下。 rushsb into sth/into doing sth I'm not going to be rushed into anything. 我不会受人催促草率地做任何事情。 attack 攻击 4 [transitive ] rushsb/sth to try to attack or capture sb/sth suddenly 突袭;突击抓捕 A group of prisoners rushed an officer and managed to break out. 一伙囚犯突然袭击狱警,越狱了。 Fans rushed the stage after the concert. 音乐会结束后乐迷一下子涌向舞台。 in American football 美式足球 5 [transitive ] rushsb ( NAmE) to run into sb who has the ball 突袭,冲向(持球人) 6 [intransitive ] ( NAmE) to move forward and gain ground by carrying the ball and not passing it 带(球)奔跑;跑动带(球) in American colleges 美国大学 7 [transitive ] rushsb ( NAmE) to give a lot of attention to sb, especially to a student because you want them to join your fraternityor sorority (为物色、招募目的)特别关注,非常关心 He is being rushed by Sigma Nu. * Σ NU 联谊会正在拉拢他。 IDIOMsee fool n. , foot n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌrush sth↔ˈout to produce sth very quickly 仓促生产;赶制 The editors rushed out an item on the crash for the late news. 编辑们赶着将坠机事件编入最新的新闻报道中。 ˌrush sth↔ˈthrough | ˌrush sth ˈthrough sth to deal with official business very quickly by making the usual process shorter than usual 使快速通过;仓促处理 to rush a bill through Parliament 使议案在议会匆匆通过 noun fast movement 迅速移动 1 [singular ] a sudden strong movement 猛烈移动;冲 Shoppers made a rush forthe exits. 购物者冲向出口。 She was trampled in the rush to get out. 她在大伙儿往外冲的时候被人踩了。 They listened to the rush of the sea below. 他们听着下面汹涌澎湃的海浪声。 The door blew open, letting in a rush of cold air. 门被风刮开了,一股冷风吹了进来。 He had a rush of blood to the headand punched the man. 他一时冲动,挥拳打了那个男人。 hurry 匆忙 2 [singular ,  uncountable ] a situation in which you are in a hurry and need to do things quickly 匆忙;仓促 I can't stop—I'm in a rush. 我不能停下来,我忙着呢。 What's the rush? 干吗这么急匆匆的? ‘I'll let you have the book back tomorrow.’ ‘ There's no rush. “我明天就把书还给你。”“不用着急。” The words came out in a rush. 那些话一股脑儿地倒出来。 a rush job (= one that has been done quickly) 仓促做完的活儿 busy situation 忙碌 3 [singular ] a situation in which people are very busy and there is a lot of activity 忙碌;繁忙 The evening rush was just starting. 繁忙的夜晚才刚开始。 the Christmas rush 圣诞节前的忙碌 of feeling 感觉 4 [singular ] rush(of sth) a sudden strong emotion or sign of strong emotion 迸发的情绪;情绪迸发 a sudden rush of excitement/fear/anger 突然感到的兴奋╱恐惧╱愤怒 5 [singular ] a sudden feeling of extreme pleasure or excitement 突如其来的极度愉悦(或兴奋) Parachuting will give you the rush of a lifetime. 跳伞给你一生难求的刺激感觉。 Users of the drug report experiencing a rush that lasts several minutes. 据报用这种药的人有持续几分钟的亢奋感觉。 sudden demand 急需 6 [singular ] rush(on/for sth) a sudden large demand for goods, etc. 大量急需;争购 There's been a rush on umbrellas this week. 本周出现了抢购雨伞的现象。 see also gold rush plant 植物 7 [countable ,  usually plural ] a tall plant like grass that grows near water. Its long thin stemscan be dried and used for making baskets,the seats of chairs, etc. 灯芯草(干燥后可用于编制篮子、坐垫等) rush matting 灯芯草编的席子 of film/movie 电影 8 rushes [plural ] ( technical 术语 ) the first prints of a film/movie before they have been edited 样片;毛片 in American football 美式足球 9 [countable ] an occasion when a player or players run towards a player on the other team who has the ball (向对方持球队员的)突袭 There was a rush on the quarterback. 对方球员冲向四分卫。 10 [countable ] an occasion when a player runs forward with the ball 跑动带球 Johnson carried the ball an average of 6 yards per rush. 约翰逊跑动带球平均每次行进 6 码。 in American colleges 美国大学 11 [singular ] ( NAmE) the time when parties are held for students who want to join a fraternityor sorority 学生联谊会纳新活动(时间) rush week 学生联谊会纳新活动周 a rush party 学生纳新联谊会 IDIOMsee bum n. rush / rʌʃ ; NAmE rʌʃ /
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