rupture 英 [ˈrʌptʃə(r)]   美 [ˈrʌptʃɚ]


rupture  英 [ˈrʌptʃə(r)] 美 [ˈrʌptʃɚ]

n. 破裂;疝气  v. 破裂;发疝气 

进行时:rupturing  过去式:ruptured  过去分词:ruptured  第三人称单数:ruptures  名词复数:ruptures 

the rupture of a blood vessel 血管破裂
ruptures of oil and water pipelines 石油和输水管道的爆裂

  • A rupture is a break or tear in something that pulls it apart. A rupture can be a literal break, like the one that happens in, say, a gas line, or it can be more figurative, as in a friendship or a business deal.
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  • n. 破裂;疝气
  • v. 破裂;发疝气
  • 1. the rupture of a blood vessel


  • 2. ruptures of oil and water pipelines


  • 3. I nearly gave myself a rupture lifting that pile of books.


  • 4. a rupture in relations between the two countries


  • 5. Nothing could heal the rupture with his father.


  • 6. a ruptured appendix


  • 7. He ruptured himself trying to lift the piano.


  • 8. The impact ruptured both fuel tanks.


  • 9. the risk of rupturing North-South relations


  • rupture (n.) late 14c., originally medical, from Latin ruptura "the breaking (of an arm or leg), fracture," from past participle stem of rumpere "to break," from PIE root *runp- "to break" (see corrupt (adj.)). Specifically as "abdominal hernia" from early 15c.
  • rupture (v.) 1739, from rupture (n.). Related: Ruptured; rupturing. Ruptured duck (1945) was U.S. GI's dismissive term (based on its design) for the discharge button they were awarded.
rup·ture / ˈrʌptʃə(r) ; NAmE ˈrʌptʃər / noun , verb rupture ruptures ruptured rupturing noun [countable ,  uncountable ] 1 ( medical ) an injury in which sth inside the body breaks apart or bursts (体内组织等的)断裂,破裂 the rupture of a blood vessel 血管破裂 2 a situation when sth breaks or bursts 断裂;爆裂 ruptures of oil and water pipelines 石油和输水管道的爆裂 3 ( informal) a herniaof the abdomen 疝气 I nearly gave myself a rupture lifting that pile of books. 提那一大堆书差点儿让我得了疝气。 4 ( formal) the ending of agreement or of good relations between people, countries, etc. (关系的)破裂,决裂;绝交 a rupture in relations between the two countries 两国关系的破裂 Nothing could heal the rupture with his father. 没有什么可以弥合他和父亲之间的裂痕。 verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] rupture(sth/yourself) ( medical ) to burst or break apart sth inside the body; to be broken or burst apart (使体内组织等)断裂,裂开,破裂 a ruptured appendix 阑尾穿孔 He ruptured himself (= got a hernia) trying to lift the piano. 他试着搬动钢琴,发了疝气。 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] rupture(sth) ( formal) to make sth such as a container or a pipe break or burst; to be broken or burst (使容器或管道等)断裂,破裂 The impact ruptured both fuel tanks. 冲撞使两个燃料箱都爆裂了。 A pipe ruptured, leaking water all over the house. 一根水管断裂,漏了满屋子的水。 3 [transitive ] rupturesth ( formal) to make an agreement or good relations between people or countries end 使(友好关系)破裂;使绝交;毁掉(协议) the risk of rupturing North-South relations 使南北关系破裂的危险 rup·ture / ˈrʌptʃə(r) ; NAmE ˈrʌptʃər /
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