run-up 英 [ˈrʌnˌʌp]   美 [ˈrʌnˌʌp]


run-up  英 [ˈrʌnˌʌp] 美 [ˈrʌnˌʌp]

n. 助跑;预备阶段;抬高;急剧增长 


In the run-up to Copenhagen there was perhaps too much hype, and expectations were too high. 在哥本哈根会议之前的‘助跑阶段’,有关的宣传太多,人们的期望太高。
In the run-up to passing a conversion law, the government could pay some of its bills, including wages, by issuing small-denomination IOUs, which could be traded for goods and services. 在兑换法案通过前期,政府就可以发行一些小额的借据,来偿还一部分包括工资在内的欠款,这些借据可以在市场上流通,购买产品和服务。

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  • n. 助跑;预备阶段;抬高;急剧增长
  • 1. In the run-up to Copenhagen there was perhaps too much hype, and expectations were too high.


  • 2. In the run-up to passing a conversion law, the government could pay some of its bills, including wages, by issuing small-denomination IOUs, which could be traded for goods and services.


  • 3. But billable hours explain only part of the run-up in costs.


ˈrun-up / ; NAmE / noun ( BrE) 1 ( also less frequent ˈrun-in ) run-up(to sth) a period of time leading up to an important event; the preparation for this (重要事情的)前期;准备阶段;准备 an increase in spending in the run-up to Christmas 圣诞节前花费的增加 during the run-up to the election 在选举前的准备阶段 2 the act of running or the distance you run, to gain speed before you jump a long distance, throw a ball, etc. 助跑;助跑距离 run-up run-ups ˈrun-up / ; NAmE /
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