piano 英 [piˈænəʊ]   美 [piˈænoʊ]


piano  英 [piˈænəʊ] 美 [piˈænoʊ]

n. 钢琴 


to play the piano 弹钢琴
piano music 钢琴曲

  • A piano is a large musical instrument that you play by pressing black and white keys on a keyboard. Most people play a piano with their fingers, but Jerry Lee Lewis played with his fingers, feet, elbows, and, ahem, backside.
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  • n. 钢琴
  • 1. to play the piano


  • 2. piano music


  • 3. a piano teacher,a piano lesson


  • piano (n.) 1803, from French piano (18c.), Italian piano, shortened forms of pianoforte (q.v.). As an adverb, "softly," in musical directions (superlative pianissimo), attested from 1680s. Piano wire attested from 1831.
piano noun , adverb piano pianos piani noun / piˈænəʊ ; NAmE piˈænoʊ / ( plural pianos ) ( also old-fashioned, formal pi·ano·forte / piˌænəʊˈfɔːti ; NAmE piˌænoʊˈfɔːrti / ) a large musical instrument played by pressing the black and white keys on the keyboard. The sound is produced by small hammershitting the metal strings inside the piano. 钢琴 to play the piano 弹钢琴 playing jazz on the piano 用钢琴弹奏爵士乐 piano music 钢琴曲 a piano teacher/lesson 钢琴教师╱课 Ravel's piano concerto in G 拉威尔的 G 大调钢琴协奏曲 see also grand piano , thumb piano , upright piano adverb / ˈpjɑːnəʊ ; NAmE ˈpjɑːnoʊ / ( abbr.p ) ( music ) played or sung quietly 轻柔地;安静地;弱 OPP forte piano adjective piano / piˈænəʊ ; NAmE piˈænoʊ / pi·ano·forte / piˌænəʊˈfɔːti ; NAmE piˌænoʊˈfɔːrti /
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