roller-coaster 英 ['rəʊlərk'əʊstər]   美 ['roʊlərk'oʊstər]


roller-coaster  英 ['rəʊlərk'əʊstər] 美 ['roʊlərk'oʊstər]

phrase. 过山车 


Beyond the challenges of culture shock and language, you must deal with the roller-coaster dollar as it rises and falls against other currencies. 除了文化冲击和语言的挑战,你还要处理像过山车一样上涨下跌的货币汇率。
I pushed through some dreary weather in Michigan and Ohio, climbed the roller-coaster foothills of the Appalachians and battled traffic and chewed up roads as I entered the city. 路上我熬过了密歇根州和俄亥俄州的阴沉天气、像坐过山车一样翻越了阿巴拉起亚山脉的山麓、忍受了进入市区后拥堵的交通和蜗牛般前行的无奈。

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  • phrase. 过山车
  • 1. Beyond the challenges of culture shock and language, you must deal with the roller-coaster dollar as it rises and falls against other currencies.


  • 2. I pushed through some dreary weather in Michigan and Ohio, climbed the roller-coaster foothills of the Appalachians and battled traffic and chewed up roads as I entered the city.


  • 3. Taking a ride on the hormonal roller-coaster means lots of changes — and a lot of common worries — for both guys and girls.


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