rolled-up 英 ['rəʊld'ʌp]   美 ['roʊld'ʌp]


rolled-up  英 ['rəʊld'ʌp] 美 ['roʊld'ʌp]

adj. 卷起的 

A quick caveat, before you hit me with a rolled-up Ms. magazine: I don't really think stay-at-home dads are better than stay-at-home moms. 在你卷起的一本《女士》杂志打我之前,快速警告你一声:其实我并不认为家庭主男比家庭主妇母亲好。
Alongside is a rolled-up scroll, with the signature of the chairman of the board, telling you in both English and Chinese that the $586 you've just spent has bought you a 'miracle.' 一边那张卷起的有董事会主席签署的证书上,用中英文向你宣告,你刚花了586美元买了一个“奇迹”。

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  • adj. 卷起的
  • 1. A quick caveat, before you hit me with a rolled-up Ms. magazine: I don't really think stay-at-home dads are better than stay-at-home moms.


  • 2. Alongside is a rolled-up scroll, with the signature of the chairman of the board, telling you in both English and Chinese that the $586 you've just spent has bought you a 'miracle.'


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