revealing 英 [rɪˈvi:lɪŋ]   美 [rɪˈvilɪŋ]


revealing  英 [rɪˈvi:lɪŋ] 美 [rɪˈvilɪŋ]

adj. 透露真情的;有启迪作用的;袒胸露肩的  v. 揭示;展现(reveal的ing形式) 


In general, you can browse the WHO site without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. 一般说来,浏览世界卫生组织网站时不需要告知我们你是谁或显示有关你本人的任何个人信息。
Because by revealing a flaw, you show your team that you trust them with this information. 因为通过透露你的缺点,你在向你的团队传递一个信息,那就是你很信任他们。

  • Use the adjective revealing to describe disclosing something that was hidden, either literally or figuratively. If you ask people if they've ever cheated on a test, you may get revealing answers that tell you whether the person is honest or not.
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  • adj. 透露真情的;有启迪作用的;袒胸露肩的
  • v. 揭示;展现(reveal的ing形式)
  • 1. In general, you can browse the WHO site without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself.


  • 2. Because by revealing a flaw, you show your team that you trust them with this information.


  • 3. These sounds travel underwater until they encounter objects, then bounce back to their dolphin senders, revealing the location, size, and shape of their target.


  • revealing (adj.) 1590s, present-participle adjective from reveal (v.). Related: Revealingly.
re·veal·ing AWL / rɪˈviːlɪŋ ; NAmE rɪˈviːlɪŋ / adjective 1 giving you interesting information that you did not know before 揭露真相的;发人深省的 The document provided a revealing insight into the government's priorities. 这份文件使人看出政府的轻重缓急是怎样安排的。 The answers the children gave were extremely revealing. 孩子们所给的答案极其发人深省。 2 (of clothes 衣服 ) allowing more of sb's body to be seen than usual 暴露的;使身体过分裸露的 a revealing blouse 暴露的女式衬衫 re·veal·ing·ly / rɪˈviːlɪŋli ; NAmE rɪˈviːlɪŋli / adverb He spoke revealingly about his problems. 他坦率地谈论他的问题。 re·veal·ing / rɪˈviːlɪŋ ; NAmE rɪˈviːlɪŋ / re·veal·ing·ly / rɪˈviːlɪŋli ; NAmE rɪˈviːlɪŋli /
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