return 英 [rɪˈtɜ:n]   美 [rɪˈtɜrn]


return  英 [rɪˈtɜ:n] 美 [rɪˈtɜrn]

v. 返回;报答  n. 返回;归还 

进行时:returning  过去式:returned  过去分词:returned  第三人称单数:returns  名词复数:returns 

I waited a long time for him to return. 我等他回来等了很长时间。
I returned from work to find the house empty. 我下班回来,发现屋里空无一人。

  • When you return, you go back somewhere after being away. If you haven't been to Disney World since your fifth birthday, it might be fun to return when you're older.
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  • v. 返回;报答
  • n. 返回;归还
  • 1. I waited a long time for him to return.


  • 2. I returned from work to find the house empty.


  • 3. When did she return home from the trip?


  • 4. I must return some books to the library.


  • 5. Don't forget to return my pen!


  • 6. I returned the letter unopened.


  • 7. He returns to this topic later in the report.


  • 8. to return a favour/greeting/stare


  • 9. He did not return her love.


  • 10. I saw the play on its return to Broadway.


  • 11. the return of spring


  • 12. his return to power


  • return (n.) late 14c., "act of coming back," also "official report of election results," from Anglo-French retorn, Old French retorne, verbal noun from retorner (see return (v.)). In ball games from 1833; specifically in tennis from 1886. Meaning "a yield, a profit" is recorded from 1620s. Meaning "a thing sent back" is from 1875. Many happy returns of the day was used by Addison (1716). Mailing return address attested from 1884.
  • return (v.) early 14c., "to come back, come or go back to a former position" (intransitive), from Old French retorner "turn back, turn round, return" (Modern French retourner), from re- "back" (see re-) + torner "to turn" (see turn (v.)). Transitive sense of "report officially" is early 15c.; "to send back" is mid-15c.; that of "to turn back" is from c. 1500. Meaning "to give in repayment" is 1590s; that of "give back, restore" c. 1600. Related: Returned; returning.
re·turn / rɪˈtɜːn ; NAmE rɪˈtɜːrn / verb , noun return returns returned returning verb come/go back 回来;回去 1 [intransitive ] to come or go back from one place to another 回来;回去;返回 I waited a long time for him to return. 我等他回来等了很长时间。 return(to…) (from…) She's returning to Australia tomorrow after six months in Europe. 她在欧洲逗留了六个月,明天要返回澳大利亚了。 I returned from work to find the house empty. 我下班回来,发现屋里空无一人。 When did she return home from the trip? 她是什么时候旅行回来的? bring/give back 拿回;归还 2 [transitive ] to bring, give, put or send sth back to sb/sth 带回;送回;放回;退还 returnsb/sth to sb/sth We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty. 我们不得不将吹风机退回商店,因为它有残损。 I must return some books to the library. 我得把一些书还给图书馆。 returnsth Don't forget to return my pen! 别忘了把钢笔还给我! returnsb/sth + adj. I returned the letter unopened. 我原封不动地将信退了回去。 of feeling/quality 感觉;特质 3 [intransitive ] to come back again 恢复;重现 SYN reappear , resurface The following day the pain returned. 第二天又疼起来了。 Her suspicions returned when things started going missing again. 发现又有东西丢失的时候,她又怀疑起来。 to previous subject/activity 先前的话题╱活动 4 [intransitive ] return(to sth) to start discussing a subject you were discussing earlier, or doing an activity you were doing earlier 重提;重新开始做 He returns to this topic later in the report. 他在报告中后来又提到这个话题。 She looked up briefly then returned to her sewing. 她抬头看了一眼,又接着做她的针线活儿。 The doctor may allow her to return to worknext week. 医生也许会允许她下周回去上班。 to previous state 先前的状态 5 [intransitive ] returnto sth to go back to a previous state 恢复;回复 Train services have returned to normalafter the strike. 罢工过后,列车运营已经恢复正常。 do/give the same 回报 6 [transitive ] returnsth to do or give sth to sb because they have done or given the same to you first; to have the same feeling about sb that they have about you 回报;回应 to return a favour/greeting/stare 报恩;回应问候;回瞪一眼 She phoned him several times but he was too busy to return her call. 她给他打了几次电话,但他太忙,不能给她回电话。 It's time we returned their invitation (= invite them to sth as they invited us to sth first). 该我们回请他们了。 He did not return her love. 他没有回报她的爱。 ‘You were both wonderful!’ ‘So were you!’ we said, returning the compliment. “你们俩太棒了!”“你也一样啊!”我们也称赞道。 to return fire (= to shoot at sb who is shooting at you) 用枪炮还击 in tennis 网球 7 [transitive ] returnsth to hit the ball back to your opponent during a game 回击;击回 to return a service/shot 击回发球╱抽球 a verdict 裁决 8 [transitive ] ~ a verdict to give a decision about sth in court 宣告(裁决) The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. 陪审团宣告了无罪的判决。 elect politician 选政治人物 9 [transitive ,  usually passive ] returnsb (to sth) | returnsb (as sth) ( BrE) to elect sb to a political position 选举;选出;推举 profit/loss 利润;损失 10 [transitive ] returnsth ( business ) to give or produce a particular amount of money as a profit or loss 带来,产生(利润或损失) to return a high rate of interest 有很高的利息回报 Last year the company returned a loss of £157 million. 去年,公司的亏损达 1.57 亿英镑。 noun coming back 回来 1 [singular ] return(to…) (from…) the action of arriving in or coming back to a place that you were in before 回来;归来;返回 He was met by his brother on his returnfrom Italy. 他从意大利回来的时候,是他弟弟去接他的。 I saw the play on its return to Broadway. 这部戏重回百老汇时我看过了。 on the return flight/journey/trip 在返回的航班╱旅程╱路程上 giving/sending back 归还;退回 2 [uncountable ,  singular ] the action of giving, putting or sending sth/sb back 归还;放回;退回 We would appreciate the prompt return of books to the library. 若能及时将图书归还给图书馆,我们将不胜感激。 The judge ordered the return of the child to his mother. 法官命令将孩子送还他的母亲。 Write your return address (= the address that a reply should be sent to)on the back of the envelope. 请在信封的背面写明回信地址。 of feeling/state 感觉;状况 3 [singular ] return(of sth) the situation when a feeling or state that has not been experienced for some time starts again 重现;恢复 SYN reappearance the return of spring 春之归来 a return of my doubts 我的疑心又起 to previous situation/activity 先前的情况╱活动 4 [singular ] returnto sth the action of going back to an activity or a situation that you used to do or be in 恢复;返回 his return to power 他的重新掌权 They appealed for a return to work (= after a strike). 他们呼吁复工。 profit 利益 5 [uncountable ,  countable ] the amount of profit that you get from sth 回报;收益;利润 SYN earnings , yield a high rate of returnon capital 资本的高回报率 farmers seeking to improve returns from their crops 寻求提高农作物利润的农民 official report 正式报告 6 [countable ] an official report or statement that gives particular information to the government or another body 报告;陈述;申报 census returns 人口普查报告 election returns (= the number of votes for each candidate in an election) 选举结果报告 see also tax return ticket 7 [countable ] ( BrE) = return ticket ‘Brighton, please.’ ‘Single or return?’ “我要一张到布赖顿的票。”“单程的还是往返的?” A return is cheaper than two singles. 一张往返票比两张单程票便宜。 the return fare to London 到伦敦的往返票价 see also day return 8 [countable ] a ticket for the theatre or a sports game that was bought by sb but is given back to be sold again 退票 on computer 计算机 9 [uncountable ] ( also reˈturn key [countable ] ) the button that you press on a computer when you reach the end of an instruction, or to begin a new line 返回键;回车键;结束键 To exit this option, press return. 要退出这个选项,就按返回键。 in tennis 网球 10 [countable ] (in tennisand some other sports 网球和其他一些运动 ) the action of hitting the ball, etc. back to your opponent 击回球 a powerful return of serve 有力的迎击发球 IDIOMS by reˈturn (of ˈpost) ( BrE) using the next available post; as soon as possible 由下一班邮递;尽快 Please reply by return of post. 请即赐覆。 in reˈturn (for sth) 1 as a way of thanking sb or paying them for sth they have done 作为(对…的)回报 Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? 感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗? 2 as a response or reaction to sth 作为回应 I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return. 我征求她的意见,她却只是反问了我一句。 more at happy , point n. , sale n. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 return come back go back get back turn back These words all mean to come or go back from one place to another. 以上各词均含回来、回去、返回之意。 return to come or go back from one place to another 指回来、回去、返回: I waited a long time for him to return. 我等他回来等了很长时间。 NOTE Returnis slightly more formal than the other words in this group, and is used more often in writing or formal speech. *return 较本组其他的词稍为正式,较常用于书面语或正式场合中。 come back to return 指回来、返回 NOTE Come backis usually used from the point of view of the person or place that sb returns to. *come back 通常指回到说话人处或所在的地方: Come back and visit again soon! 请早点儿再回来探访! go back to return to the place you recently or originally came from or that you have been to before 指回去、返回 NOTE Go backis usually used from the point of view of the person who is returning. *go back 通常是从要返回者的角度来说: Do you ever want to go back to China? 你想回中国去吗? get back to arrive back somewhere, especially at your home or the place where you are staying 指返回、回去,尤指回家: What time did you get back last night? 你昨晚是什么时候回家的? turn back to return the way that you came, especially because sth stops you from continuing 指原路返回、往回走,尤指因某事阻止而不能继续前进: The weather got so bad that we had to turn back. 天气变得非常恶劣,我们不得不循原路折回。 PATTERNS to return/come back/go back/get back to / to sth to return/come back/go back/get back/turn back again to return/come back/go back/get back home / home to return/come back/get back safely re·turn / rɪˈtɜːn ; NAmE rɪˈtɜːrn /
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