rent 英 [rent]   美 [rɛnt]


rent  英 [rent] 美 [rɛnt]

n. 租金  v. 出租;租借 

进行时:renting  过去式:rented  过去分词:rented  第三人称单数:rents  名词复数:rents 

a month's rent in advance 预付的月租金
to live in rented accommodation, to live in rented housing, to live in rented property 住在租来的住所里

  • To rent something is to pay money to use it, live in it, or borrow it. If you're not sure which musical instrument you'll stick with and enjoy playing, it's best to rent a few to try out before buying.
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  • n. 租金
  • v. 出租;租借
  • 1. a month's rent in advance


  • 2. to live in rented accommodation, to live in rented housing, to live in rented property


  • 3. Who do you rent the land from?


  • 4. He rents rooms in his house to students.


  • 5. The land is rented out to other farmers.


  • 6. She agreed to rent me the room.


  • 7. The apartment rents for $500 a month.

    这套房间每月租金为 500 元。

  • 8. Shall we rent a movie this evening?


  • rent (n.1) "payment for use of property," mid-12c., a legal sense, originally "income, revenue" (late Old English), from Old French rente "payment due; profit, income," from Vulgar Latin *rendita, noun use of fem. past participle of *rendere "to render" (see render (v.)).
  • rent (n.2) "torn place," 1530s, noun use of Middle English renten "to tear, rend" (early 14c.), variant of renden (see rend (v.)).
  • rent (v.) mid-15c., "to rent out property, grant possession and enjoyment of in exchange for a consideration paid," from Old French renter "pay dues to," or from rent (n.1). Related: Rented; renting. Earlier (mid-14c.) in the more general sense of "provide with revenue." Sense of "to take and hold in exchange for rent" is from 1520s. Intransitive sense of "be leased for rent" is from 1784. Prefix rent-a- first attested 1921, mainly of businesses that rented various makes of car (Rentacar is a trademark registered in U.S. 1924); extended to other "temporary" uses since 1961.
rent / rent ; NAmE rent / noun , verb see also rend v. rent rents rented renting noun 1 [uncountable ,  countable ] an amount of money that you regularly pay so that you can use a house, etc. 租金 How much rent do you pay for this place? 你租这个地方的租金是多少? The landlord has put the rent up again. 房东又提高房租了。 a month's rent in advance 预付的月租金 a high/low/fair rent 高的╱低的╱合理的租金 ( BrE) a rent book (= used to record payments of rent) 租金登记簿 synonyms at rate collocationsat house compare hire n.  (1 ) 2 [uncountable ,  countable ] ( especially NAmE) = rental  (1 ) 3 [countable ] ( formal) a torn place in a piece of material or clothing 破裂处;裂口;撕裂 IDIOM for rent ( especially NAmE) ( especially on printed signs 尤用于告示 ) available to rent 出租;招租 verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to regularly pay money to sb so that you can use sth that they own, such as a house, some land, a machine, etc. 租用,租借(房屋、土地、机器等) rent(sth) to live in rented accommodation/housing/property 住在租来的住所里 rentsth from sb Who do you rent the land from? 你从谁那里租用的土地? 2 [transitive ] to allow sb to use sth that you own such as a house or some land in exchange for regular payments 出租;将…租给 rentsth (out) (to sb) He rents rooms in his house to students. 他把家中的房间租给学生。 The land is rented out to other farmers. 这片土地租给别的农民了。 She agreed to rent the room to me. 她同意将这个房间租给我。 rentsb sth She agreed to rent me the room. 她同意租给我这个房间。 3 [transitive ] rentsth ( especially NAmE) to pay money to sb so that you can use sth for a short period of time (短期)租用,租借 We rented a car for the week and explored the area. 我们租了一个星期的车探索这个地区。 Shall we rent a movie this evening? 我们今天晚上租电影看好吗? compare hire v.  (1 ) 4 [intransitive ] ( NAmE) to be available for sb to use if they pay a particular amount of money 以…出租;租金为 The apartment rents for $500 a month. 这套房间每月租金为 500 元。 BRITISH/AMERICAN 英式/美式英语 rent / hire / let Verbs 动词 You can hiresomething for a short period of time ( BrEonly), but rentsomething for a longer period. 短期租用可用 hire (仅用于英式英语),较长时间的租用则用 rent: We can hire bikes for a day to explore the town. 我们可租用自行车一天来游览这城镇。 We don’t own our TV, we rent it. 我们没有自己的电视机,这是租的。 In NAmE, rentis always used. It is sometimes now used in BrEinstead of hire,too. 美式英语总是用 rent,现在英式英语有时也用 rent 代替 hire。 The owners of a thing can hireit outfor a short period ( BrE). 物主短期租出某物可用 hire out (英式英语): Do you hire out bikes? 你们出租自行车吗? Or they can rent( out)/ let( out) a building, etc. 出租房屋等可用 rent (out) / let (out): We rent out rooms in our house to students. 我们把住宅里的房间出租给学生。 Outside a building you could see. 在建筑物外可看到: To let ( BrE) 招租 For rent ( especially NAmE) 招租 To hirecan also mean to employ somebody, especially in NAmE. *hire 亦含雇用之意,尤其在美式英语中: We hired a new secretary. 我们雇了一名新秘书。 see also lease v. Nouns 名词 The amount of money that you pay to rent something is rentor rental(more formal). When you hire something you pay a hire charge( BrE). 较长时间租用的租金为 rent 或 rental (较正式)。短期租借费用为 hire charge (英式英语)。 On a sign outside a shop you might see 在商店外的标牌上可看到: Bikes for hire ( BrE) 出租自行车 ➱ see also let, lease, hire n. rent / rent ; NAmE rent /
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