relief 英 [rɪˈli:f]   美 [rɪˈlif]


relief  英 [rɪˈli:f] 美 [rɪˈlif]

n. 宽慰,解脱,缓和 


a sense of relief 解脱感
We all breathed a sigh of relief when he left. 他走了以后,我们大家都如释重负地松了口气。

  • The noun relief means "the act of reducing something unpleasant," like medicine that brings relief from your terrible headache.
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  • n. 宽慰,解脱,缓和
  • 1. a sense of relief


  • 2. We all breathed a sigh of relief when he left.


  • 3. She sighed with relief.


  • 4. Much to my relief the car was not damaged.


  • 5. News of their safety came as a great relief.


  • 6. modern methods of pain relief


  • 7. famine relief


  • 8. There was little comic relief in his speech.


  • 9. a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life.


  • 10. relief drivers


  • relief (n.1) late 14c., "alleviation of distress, hunger, sickness, etc; state of being relieved; that which mitigates or removes" (pain, grief, evil, etc.)," from Anglo-French relif, from Old French relief "assistance," literally "a raising, that which is lifted," from stressed stem of relever (see relieve). Meaning "aid to impoverished persons" is attested from c. 1400; that of "deliverance of a besieged town" is from c. 1400. Earlier in English as "that which is left over or left behind," also "feudal payment to an overlord made by an heir upon taking possession of an estate" (both c. 1200).
  • relief (n.2) "projection of figure or design from a flat surface," c. 1600, from French relief, from Italian rilievo, from rilevare "to raise," from Latin relevare "to raise, lighten" (see relieve).
re·lief / rɪˈliːf ; NAmE rɪˈliːf / noun removal of anxiety/pain 焦虑╱痛苦的消除 1 [uncountable ,  singular ] the feeling of happiness that you have when sth unpleasant stops or does not happen (不快过后的)宽慰,轻松;解脱 a sense of relief 解脱感 We all breathed a sigh of reliefwhen he left. 他走了以后,我们大家都如释重负地松了口气。 She sighed with relief. 她松了口气。 Much to my reliefthe car was not damaged. 令我非常庆幸的是车并没有损坏。 News of their safety came as a great relief. 他们平安的消息给大家带来了巨大的安慰。 It was a relief to be able to talk to someone about it. 能和别人谈谈这件事,感到舒心多了。 What a relief! 可轻松了! 2 [uncountable ] relief(from/of sth) the act of removing or reducing pain, anxiety, etc. (焦虑、痛苦等的)减轻,消除,缓和 modern methods of pain relief 现代消除疼痛的办法 the relief of suffering 痛苦的消除 help 帮助 3 [uncountable ] food, money, medicine, etc. that is given to help people in places where there has been a war or natural disaster (给灾区或交战地区人民提供的)救济,救援物品 SYN aid famine relief 饥荒救济物资 a relief agency/organization/worker 救助机构╱组织╱工作者 4 [uncountable ] ( especially NAmE) financial help given by the government to people who need it 救济金 on tax 税收 5 [uncountable ] = tax relief relief on mortgage interest payments 支付按揭利息的税收减免 sth different 变化 6 [uncountable ,  singular ] something that is interesting or enjoyable that replaces sth boring, difficult or unpleasant for a short period of time (暂时替代单调乏味事物的)调剂,轻松场面 a few moments of light reliefin an otherwise dull performance 沉闷的表演中几处轻松的情节 There was little comic reliefin his speech. 他的演讲少有轻松幽默的地方。 relieffrom sth The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life. 离开喧嚣忙碌的城市生活,来到宁静的乡村,是一种令人愉快的调剂。 workers 工人 7 [countable + singular or plural verb ] ( often used as an adjective 常用作形容词 ) a person or group of people that replaces another when they have finished working for the day or when they are sick 替班者;接替人;换班者 The next crew relief comes on duty at 9 o'clock. 下一批换班的员工 9 点钟接班。 relief drivers 换班的司机 from enemy 从敌人手中 8 [singular ] reliefof… the act of freeing a town, etc. from an enemy army that has surrounded it (被困城镇等的)解困,解围 in art 艺术 9 [uncountable ,  countable ] a way of decorating wood, stone, etc. by cutting designs into the surface of it so that some parts stick out more than others; a design that is made in this way 浮雕;浮雕法;浮雕作品 The column was decorated in high relief (= with designs that stick out a lot)with scenes from Greek mythology. 柱子上饰有描述希腊神话中的场面的高浮雕。 The bronze doors are covered with sculpted reliefs. 青铜门上覆有浮雕。 making sth noticeable 使醒目 10 [uncountable ] the effect of colours, light, etc. that makes an object more noticeable than others around it (光和色彩等产生的)醒目效果;醒目;光彩夺目 The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp reliefagainst the blue sky. 冰雪覆盖的高山在蓝天的映衬下格外醒目。 11 [uncountable ] the quality of a particular situation, problem, etc. that makes it more noticeable than before 突出的品质;令人注目的特征 Their differences have been thrown into sharp reliefby the present crisis. 目前的危机使得他们的分歧更加引人注目。 relief reliefs re·lief / rɪˈliːf ; NAmE rɪˈliːf /
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