relieve 英 [rɪˈli:v]   美 [rɪˈliv]


relieve  英 [rɪˈli:v] 美 [rɪˈliv]

vt. 解除,减轻;使不单调乏味;换…的班;解围;使放心 

进行时:relieving  过去式:relieved  过去分词:relieved  第三人称单数:relieves 

Meditation can relieve stress -- for you and for your pet. 冥想可以减轻压力--对于你,甚至是你的宠物。
You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums. 你最好张开嘴以减轻耳朵鼓膜所受的压力。

  • To relieve is to ease a burden or take over for someone. An aspirin can relieve a headache, and a substitute can relieve the teacher who fell asleep on her desk after lunch.
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  • vt. 解除,减轻;使不单调乏味;换…的班;解围;使放心
  • 1. Meditation can relieve stress -- for you and for your pet.


  • 2. You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums.


  • 3. All of our debates and discussions have meaning only when they improve the health of people and relieve their suffering.


  • relieve (v.) late 14c., "alleviate (pain, etc.), mitigate; afford comfort; allow respite; diminish the pressure of," also "give alms to, provide for;" also figuratively, "take heart, cheer up;" from Old French relever "to raise, relieve" (11c.) and directly from Latin relevare "to raise, alleviate, lift up, free from a burden," from re-, intensive prefix (see re-), + levare "to lift up, lighten," from levis "not heavy" (from PIE root *legwh- "not heavy, having little weight").
re·lieve / rɪˈliːv ; NAmE rɪˈliːv / verb 1 relievesth to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain 解除,减轻,缓和(不快或痛苦) to relieve the symptoms of a cold 减轻感冒的症状 to relieve anxiety/guilt/stress 消除焦虑╱内疚;缓解压力 Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her. 最后能够讲出真话似乎使她感到轻松。 2 relievesth to make a problem less serious 减轻(问题的严重性);缓和;缓解 SYN alleviate efforts to relieve poverty 缓解贫困的努力 to relieve traffic congestion 缓解交通拥挤 3 relievesth to make sth less boring, especially by introducing sth different 调剂;使有趣 We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait. 长时间等待实在无聊,我们就打扑克来解闷儿。 The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers. 五彩缤纷的小花使得黑白图案不那么单调。 4 relievesb to replace sb who is on duty 接替;给…换班 to relieve a sentry 换岗 You'll be relieved at six o'clock. 六点钟有人来换你的班。 5 relievesth to free a town, etc. from an enemy army that has surrounded it 将(城镇从敌人的围困中)解围 6 relieveyourself a polite way of referring to going to the toilet (去厕所的一种委婉说法)方便,解手 I had to relieve myself behind a bush. 我只好在树丛后面方便了一下。 PHRASAL VERB reˈlieve sb of sth 1 to help sb by taking sth heavy or difficult from them 替…拿重物;帮助…减轻(负担) Let me relieve you of some of your bags. 我来帮你拿几个袋子吧。 The new secretary will relieve us of some of the paperwork. 新来的秘书会减轻我们文案工作的一些负担。 2 ( informal, ironic) to steal sth from sb 偷窃;窃取 A boy with a knife relieved him of his wallet. 一个持刀的家伙偷了他的钱包。 3 to dismiss sb from a job, position, etc. 开除;解除…的职务 General Beale was relieved of his command. 比尔将军被解除了指挥权。 relieve relieves relieved relieving re·lieve / rɪˈliːv ; NAmE rɪˈliːv /
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