relatively 英 [ˈrelətɪvli]   美 [ˈrɛlətɪvlɪ]


relatively  英 [ˈrelətɪvli] 美 [ˈrɛlətɪvlɪ]

adv. 相当地;相对地,比较地 

For advertisers, an aircraft can be an effective medium, because it allows them to inform the public about their products at the right time in a relatively uncluttered medium. 对于广告商来说飞机是一个有效的媒介,因为它在在正确的时间在一个相对不太拥挤的媒介让观众了解他们的产品。
I suspect one of the reasons is that the relatively free flow of information into and out of America makes its government seem comparatively honest, even if it is also deeply flawed. 我觉得,一个原因是,在美国,信息的流入和流出是相对自由的,这使得它的政府看上去相对来说更诚实,即使它本身也有相当多的缺陷。

  • Use relatively when you want to make a statement about something compared to something else. After a zero degree day, 30 degrees might feel relatively warm.
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  • adv. 相当地;相对地,比较地
  • 1. For advertisers, an aircraft can be an effective medium, because it allows them to inform the public about their products at the right time in a relatively uncluttered medium.


  • 2. I suspect one of the reasons is that the relatively free flow of information into and out of America makes its government seem comparatively honest, even if it is also deeply flawed.


  • 3. Especially the offshore petroleum industry, which is an industry of relatively high risk.


  • relatively (adv.) "in relation to something else," 1560s, from relative (adj.) + -ly (2).
rela·tive·ly / ˈrelətɪvli ; NAmE ˈrelətɪvli / adverb to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to sth else 相当程度上;相当地;相对地 I found the test relatively easy. 我觉得这次测验比较容易。 We had relatively few applications for the job. 申请我们这项工作的人相对较少。 Lack of exercise is also a risk factor for heart disease but it's relatively small when compared with the others. 缺乏锻炼也是导致心脏病的一个因素。但和其他因素相比,这方面的危险较小。 IDIOM ˈrelatively speaking used when you are comparing sth with all similar things (和所有类似事物比较)相对而言 Relatively speaking, these jobs provide good salaries. 相对来说,这些工作报酬都不低。 rela·tive·ly / ˈrelətɪvli ; NAmE ˈrelətɪvli /
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