preparation 英 [ˌprepəˈreɪʃn]   美 [ˌprɛpəˈreʃən]


preparation  英 [ˌprepəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌprɛpəˈreʃən]

n. 预备;准备 


I have no adequate preparation. 我没有充分的准备。
food preparation 食物制作

  • Preparation is the act of preparing — getting ready, planning, training, or studying with a goal in mind.
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  • n. 预备;准备
  • 1. I have no adequate preparation.


  • 2. food preparation


  • 3. Careful preparation for the exam is essential.


  • 4. The third book in the series is currently in preparation.


  • 5. The country is making preparations for war.


  • 6. wedding preparations


  • 7. We made preparations to move to new offices.


  • preparation (n.) late 14c., "act of preparing," from Latin praeparationem (nominative praeparatio) "a making ready," noun of action from past participle stem of praeparare "prepare," from prae "before" (see pre-) + parare "make ready" (from PIE root *pere-(1) "to produce, procure"). Meaning "a substance especially prepared" is from 1640s.
prep·ar·ation / ˌprepəˈreɪʃn ; NAmE ˌprepəˈreɪʃn / noun 1 [uncountable ] preparation(for sth) the act or process of getting ready for sth or making sth ready 准备;预备 Preparation for the party started early. 聚会的准备工作很早就开始了。 food preparation 食物制作 Careful preparation for the exam is essential. 认真准备考试十分必要。 The third book in the series is currently in preparation. 丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。 The team has been training hard in preparation forthe big game. 为备战这场重要比赛,队伍一直在严格训练。 2 [countable ,  usually plural ] things that you do to get ready for sth or make sth ready 准备工作 preparation(for sth) The country is making preparationsfor war. 这个国家正在备战。 Was going to college a good preparation for your career? 上大学是否为你的事业打下了良好基础? preparation(to do sth) We made preparations to move to new offices. 我们为搬新办公室做准备。 wedding preparations 婚礼的筹备工作 3 [countable ] a substance that has been specially prepared for use as a medicine, cosmetic,etc. (医药、化妆品等)配制品,制剂 a pharmaceutical preparation 药剂 preparations for the hair and skin 护发护肤制剂 preparation preparations prep·ar·ation / ˌprepəˈreɪʃn ; NAmE ˌprepəˈreɪʃn /
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