reconcile 英 [ˈrekənsaɪl]   美 [ˈrɛkənˌsaɪl]


reconcile  英 [ˈrekənsaɪl] 美 [ˈrɛkənˌsaɪl]

vt. 和谐;和解;妥协 

进行时:reconciling  过去式:reconciled  过去分词:reconciled  第三人称单数:reconciles 

It was hard to reconcile his career ambitions with the needs of his children. 他很难兼顾事业上的抱负和孩子们的需要。
The pair were reconciled after Jackson made a public apology. 杰克逊公开道歉之后,这两个人又言归于好了。

  • Reach for the verb reconcile to make different things come together or resolve a matter.
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  • vt. 和谐;和解;妥协
  • 1. It was hard to reconcile his career ambitions with the needs of his children.


  • 2. The pair were reconciled after Jackson made a public apology.


  • 3. He has recently been reconciled with his wife.


  • 4. He could not reconcile himself to the prospect of losing her.


  • reconcile (v.) mid-14c., of persons, from Old French reconcilier (12c.) and directly from Latin reconcilare "to bring together again; regain; win over again, conciliate," from re- "again" (see re-) + concilare "make friendly" (see conciliate). Reflexive sense is recorded from 1530s. Meaning "to make (discordant facts or statements) consistent" is from late 14c. Intransitive sense of "become reconciled" is from 1660s. Related: Reconciled; reconciling.
rec·on·cile / ˈrekənsaɪl ; NAmE ˈrekənsaɪl / verb ( formal) 1 reconcilesth (with sth) to find an acceptable way of dealing with two or more ideas, needs, etc. that seem to be opposed to each other 使和谐一致;调和;使配合 an attempt to reconcile the need for industrial development with concern for the environment 协调工业发展的需要和环境保护之间关系的努力 It was hard to reconcile his career ambitions with the needs of his children. 他很难兼顾事业上的抱负和孩子们的需要。 2 [usually passive ] to make people become friends again after an argument or a disagreement 使和解;使和好如初 reconcilesb The pair were reconciled after Jackson made a public apology. 杰克逊公开道歉之后,这两个人又言归于好了。 reconcilesb with sb He has recently been reconciled with his wife. 他最近已经和妻子和好了。 3 reconcilesb/yourself (to sth) to make sb/yourself accept an unpleasant situation because it is not possible to change it 将就;妥协 SYN resign yourself to He could not reconcile himself to the prospect of losing her. 他一想到有可能失去她,就觉得难以忍受。 rec·on·cil·able / ˌrekənˈsaɪləbl ; NAmE ˌrekənˈsaɪləbl / adjective reconcile reconciles reconciled reconciling rec·on·cile / ˈrekənsaɪl ; NAmE ˈrekənsaɪl / rec·on·cil·able / ˌrekənˈsaɪləbl ; NAmE ˌrekənˈsaɪləbl /
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