conciliate 英 [kənˈsɪlieɪt]   美 [kənˈsɪliˌet]


conciliate  英 [kənˈsɪlieɪt] 美 [kənˈsɪliˌet]

vt. 安抚,安慰;调和;驯服;怀柔;赢得 

进行时:conciliating  过去式:conciliated  过去分词:conciliated  第三人称单数:conciliates  名词复数:conciliates 

There is a need to conciliate both parties, which will require a more refined strategy than before. 这就有必要对供求双方进行协调,要做到这一点将需要一个比以往更精确的战略。
The thrown salt may serve as an informal sacrifice to conciliate the gods; or it may be an attack on the evil spirits, since it is believed that the Devil cannot abide salt. 撒落的盐可作为一个非正式的牺牲品去平息上帝的怒气;或者它可能作为一种邪恶精神的攻击,因为据说魔鬼不能接触盐。

  • The verb conciliate means to placate, appease, or pacify. If you are eating at a restaurant and the waiter accidentally spills a drink on you, the manager may try to conciliate you by picking up the tab for your meal.
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  • vt. 安抚,安慰;调和;驯服;怀柔;赢得
  • 1. There is a need to conciliate both parties, which will require a more refined strategy than before.


  • 2. The thrown salt may serve as an informal sacrifice to conciliate the gods; or it may be an attack on the evil spirits, since it is believed that the Devil cannot abide salt.


  • 3. In 1763, at the end of the French and Indian War, the British issued a proclamation,mainly intended to conciliate the Indians by checking the encroachment of settlers on their lands.


  • conciliate (v.) "overcome distrust or hostility of by soothing and pacifying," 1540s, from Latin conciliatus, past participle of conciliare "to bring together, unite in feelings, make friendly," from concilium "a meeting, a gathering of people," from PIE *kal-yo-, suffixed form of root *kele- (2) "to shout" (the notion is of "a calling together"). Related: Conciliated; conciliating; conciliary. The earlier verb was Middle English concile "to reconcile" (late 14c.).
con·cili·ate / kənˈsɪlieɪt ; NAmE kənˈsɪlieɪt / verb conciliatesb ( formal) to make sb less angry or more friendly, especially by being kind and pleasant or by giving them sth (尤指通过和蔼友善或送给某物来)平息…的怒火,抚慰,安抚 SYN pacify con·cili·ation conciliation conciliations / kənˌsɪliˈeɪʃn ; NAmE kənˌsɪliˈeɪʃn / noun [uncountable ] A conciliation service helps to settle disputes between employers and workers. 调解机构帮助解决劳资纠纷。 conciliate conciliates conciliated conciliating con·cili·ate / kənˈsɪlieɪt ; NAmE kənˈsɪlieɪt / con·cili·ation / kənˌsɪliˈeɪʃn ; NAmE kənˌsɪliˈeɪʃn /
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